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A member registered Jun 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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(7 edits)

As much as i understood, for you to be prepared:

S'more is no more.

Fizzy soda rework (works like any other BSODa, but splash slows down gradually.)

2 Floor is mostly same, but now it's bigger and has new notebook.

Some of floor 1 notebooks BEGONE-

Recybble is not a piece of s##t anymore i think (Pre-anger time is bigger, means it'll be longer time before he'll be up your soul. Maybe, just felt like he's got a secret rework)

Hope this helps for an unprepared player!

P.S. For Russian players: Русский сделан хреново, но минимально играемо.

(2 edits)

Well, good to know. And how to contact to you, then? Like, i CAN use discord, but it'll be a pain of one, vpn use and such...

P.S. I have Matrix, but it's kinda hard to register there :p

P.P.S Maybe it's time to change the status of game? Not like it's in development anymore due to 1.0 release.

Just wait, like, Anton was probably focusing on 1.0 Finished Opening.

(1 edit)

Nice done! Glad to see it's actually finished, cause most of good mods are either abandoned, or too buggy and dev completly forgot about the mod.

Also, AntonBaldi, what's with Metal's Basics? Maybe i'm blind for info or smh... BTW i can help you with normal Russian translation! Cause right now it's... Let's say bad, don't want to say swears.

(1 edit)

Fun fact: Was made in Pico-8 engine (Dude just look at limitations of it and don't wonder how everything didn't fit on one 'cart') , and so, using it's controls scheme.

Personally, i'm playing with controller, and i recommend you to do same.

And a pro tip: Water is your safety from melee enemies.

It's damn good, just searching up for any platformers on lexaloffle and i find this. Totally recommending, but if you're mobile... I perfer controller use, honestly.


Hurt me plenty, this is peak. Change my mind.

hours ago

It's fine, servers the dev of mod has ain't the fastest, just pack up the patience!

It's alright, for a good side now you know something.

Didn't you heard that? I mean, search it up on YT.

Oh well... Looks like i'm down for a good waiting. Unless i'll figure out the architecture of APKs just to fix the broken one :v

Daniil, android file doesn't works for me. I just can't install it due to COLUMM_NAME being empty. Try uploading the recompiled build, perhaps?

Also, why do i see a CursedFolder in apk file's assets lol

I'm playing this for sure!

(1 edit)

Like, copy the code of controller from decompilation of kk's port, then use it in separate project in unity, to not mess with original for pc. If to say shortly, "borrow" it, or just look in how does it works, and make own code with base knowledge from kk's

Btw Copybasics, i have an idea for item: Remotely Safe Cardboard Wall.

Name says for itself, it's a wall that you can place. Blocks anything (except BSODA splash or anything based of it) that tries to pass, like, this is a wall. Decays after 10 seconds.

Could be obtained only from that gift kid (i forgor the name) or in quarter-item exchange from the developer guy (not mystman, the one with glasses, and yeah forgor the name again), or from gifts if you'll planning to do the birthday bash mode real.

Character controller: Code chunk that allows the player do shit you want them to do, and maybe some of unintended ones. Includes touchscreen controls if intended.

Decompilation: A process of reverse-engineering, allows to get an source of a game/program.

I thought you knew this, if count in that you using the decompile.

И почему я эту х#*!у которую шедевром назвать будет мало, увидел через... 3 года. 3, твою за голову, года.

Хотя, чего от страдания хернёй на itch-е ты только не найдёшь, а?


(1 edit)

Like i swear to god, i'll make Wega's challenge once beta 1 releases and i'll figure out with custom scripts.

(btw Johnster, as there was in a preview screenshot of script import, there was a thing called GoldenBaldi_AI, so, does that mean we can override behaviour of anything with upcoming script feature?)

(2 edits)

How to say it softly... WHAT THE ACTUAL F[*BUZZ*]!? THIS IS TOO GOOD TO BE REAL, AND IT EVEN HAS ANDROID PORT- ok that's it i'm playing it without questions.


I did it, yay! Also, when new "challenger" approached, it was the our fav rat man: Dr. Reflex. Btw i wasted 2 BSODAs on him and it did nothing, and he saw me through the wall i think.Fun Fact: I had 9 spare minutes before lockdown!


But hey, if to try and decomp this port, then take that character controller and shove it into copied project that will be separate of your main PC one... Wouldn't that work? Or the char controller got heavily changed over time?

...why replying to me tho? I'm not a dev by first means. Also, you posted this on wrong game :P

Like, i do. Just for comments tho, tried smth and privated it due to... Well, i tried.

Hey there!

Well, okay, i'm not a type to hold a grudge for too long. Just as long as you'll stop doing nothing of good. Be a good fella alright?

Daniil, Android build is seemingly broken. Try rebuilding it in Unity perhaps? Like, i don't even see the icon, and it gives out syntax error, both which ain't good already.

I think he's just a 4 yo kid that is being toxic in internet without knowing the consecuences. Not betting on anything better than this.

Can agree... And why you won't make own port? Like, you'll need to work longer on future updates, and it'll harden up things, but at very leats these things will be lost somewhere else in world of internet.

(1 edit)


Randomly crashes on Speedrun Style. Just freezes and dies out on Android on start, could see only loading screen.


Chromebook is based on Android if i'm not wrong, you can try Android's APK file, there should be keyboard support. I think so, but controller support exists for sure.

Like yeah, he can't even make a promise. Neither to update the port or take it down.

also KeiKev...

you're a fucking bitch who has zero tolerance and respect to other people, fuck you

Look at comment upper of this one, i made an explanation.

(4 edits)

Basically about the drama:

Oppo wanted to take this down because this is an old version with bugs and sh*t. (THERE IS NO PIZZA MADNESS RAAHHHHH)

KeiKev is a guy you know from ports. He doesn't really asks much of a devs about porting, he just does it.

And in this point, Oppo is KINDA right, and KeiKev gives a no sh*t move and ignores any attempt of taking this down. But some people may not have a PC to play this mod, so...

Any thing to solve it: Report this page in packs of people, numbers matter. Oppo can make a game page for the mod just to get a valid reason of taking this down, cause moderation gives a no sh*t about third party sites. Or just give this a time to be lost in itself, people tend to forget the things.

btw i'm that AnotherBetaPlayer guy on yt, haiiii

Note to Oppo: pls make android port when the mod will reach some of points in development, this will increase the popularity via accessibility.


THD Studios4 months ago(+1)(-1)

Hello there, Keikev1492.

It seems like you've created an Android port out of our mod "Mr Dav's Funny Mathematics Game", but without any permission given.

We highly dislike when others create other devices ports out of our content without any permission, so we kindly ask you to delete this page.

If you refuse it, we will take action.

This isn't a threat, it's a warning.


(2 edits)

Prob won't happen. At very least even if will, there won't be flood. Cause of 2nd floor.

And to answer your previous comment along without spamming, get used to them, it's quite comfortable to play once you get used. But maybe i'm just adaptive or smth

P.S. there won't be flood bcs game will need to check constantly if player is in water to slow him down, same goes to other folk in schoolhouse

P.P.S. and it will lag the game, maybe

(1 edit)

Decompile is cool tbh, maybe i'll make a vid on it for my 1 sub, which is my alt XD

P.S. yo didnt made touchable ui elements for inventory on android build, which means you cant switch slots

It's kinda late, week, but still: Johnster will release preview in 1 quarter of 2025, and will release public build of beta 1 after 4 weeks of preview release, if i'm not wrong.