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A member registered Nov 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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How do i get 4th brick? great game tho amazing job cant wait to see more content!

Amazing game, Is this the full version or is there more to come?

How do i decode it to change the values?

Game doesn't work anymore

Ok, thank you.

is this the actual raft, I cant get it from steam for a few reasons, and i was wondering if this was the actual game, and if it works with the one from steam for multiplayer and what not.

Raft community · Created a new topic Real raft?

I was wondering if this is the real raft or if this is just some fake raft, or even just  no game at all, if this is real, please respond.

Blu3 Game Jam #3 community · Created a new topic Paying

Any entry with a price tag will not be rated.

OMG, thank you, if worked!!!!

Wait, lemme go see that.

I tried, But i'm still stuck, I'll try again, but If I can't figure this out, then IDK what imma do.

I still can't figure it out, I want to get past it, but I can't do you have any other hints?

So is your time 3:23 or 4:23, I know this i a bit of a stupid question, but I don't follow what your saying.

(1 edit)

Thanks, I think, I'm not sure whose side you're on.


If you plan on submitting to this jam, then you need to do so very soon, the submissions are closing very soon, best of luck to you all.

Thanks, I might keep working on this, I might not, for know I'm learning c# and unity, then I have a HUGE project I will start working on in the next year or 2 after I leaner c#... and unity... and art... and all the other stuff for a game...

Can you send a clip? I can seem to get under 4:00.

I have a project in mind, but I was wondering if I could bring in someone to help me. I'm not sure if teams are against the rules, so I wanted to ask.

Thank you for the advice, and I also just realized I forgot to send the link. Thank you for considering joining my team, and best of luck to you too!

You can join through this link, then just open the chat.

CELESTE Classic community · Created a new topic Real?

Is this made by the person who made the actual Celeste, It's unclear if this is real, stolen, a fan made game.

Right, there is a slight problem, I can't use discord, And the only other thing I could think of would be a shared project on replit for communication but IDK. This is my replit account, if this is a "deal breaker" then I understand, if not just send me back you @ on replit and I'll invite you to a project and we can go from there

I am a new and unity dev, and have a little experience in c# coding.

Well, yes, but maybe a more simple version or smthn.

IDK how to send it with out using youtube, and I can't.

This is really cool, but if you are open to it, I have a tip, make the "paws" go up every .1 and divide total by 10 so it is still the same amount per second, but instead of going up every 1 second, it goes up every .1 making it look and feel better.

Sorry about that, I forgot to release it last night and I'm going to extend the time so no one has to pay for my mistake, theme just drop!

lol ok, I can try to post a vid on a comment, give me a couple of days, I'm a little busy.


Ok, Thank you!

Thanks, but small problem, youtube is blocked on my school pc...

Can I get some help figuring out the password to I tried a couple things based on whatw as said in the chat logs, but I'm kinda stuck.

This should totally be a main stream game, IK it's on steam, But I think it should be on xbox or some big company, this is awesome, keep up the good work!


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Lets go, If i do it again and submit a video, then I'm on the leaderboard!!!!!!

(9 edits)

IDK how first place beat it in 21 seconds...

(1 edit)

Really fun, Can't wait to see more!

Lets gooooo, New PB by over 5 mins!!!!!

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Thanks, that playground was a real trick and a pain, it took be over 3 minutes for just the playground.