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A member registered Nov 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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I went to play one day and had lost my save, I had unlocked everything, minus the patreon exclusives, but now i have nothing please help

Wow, Impressive, I really thought it couldn't get better, TY for helping me lol.

Ya... mb man.

OHHHHHH, yo i'm dumb. mb i miss read that like crazy.



Managed to beat it again, killed the boss this time and got way better stats, lowkey, 50 cal with explode and fast firerate is meta.

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This is the best i could get.    Edit: I just got sub 6.

Really good, after a bit of time I maxed everything out. It would be nice if there was an end to the game, when you capture all the creatures you go to a new area, or the games ends with a thanks for playing screen, IDK. great game though!

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Update when? Its a grate game and i would love more, Perfect 10/10, great art, and fun gameplay, I even replayed it before i learned how to save lol.

(4 edits)

I'm not sure, but i think this is a max setup when you have everything unlocked, help me improve it if i'm wrong.


I moved like 2 things and it made it slightly better.

and how the hell do you get some of these achievements? (atomic, scorched earth, factory, completionist, atlantis)


After over 2 hours, I think this is it, I still don't know how to get some of these achievements, but I think this is the MAX setup...


I thot i was done with this game, didnt know there was a whole ass secret room...

TY so much i tried for like an hour....

ya cause you have almost 1b black bricks, but only 500k bricks broken... nice job cheating and still messing it up...

(2 edits)

how in the actual hell do you do a500 true skip?

:edit nvm i got it lol

but for a1100, i stuck, again...

this has been out for years, the one in the app store is the rip off, don't comment something when you don't understand what your saying...

what room is gem skip in? and how do i do it?

Great game, I finally beat it, sort of, and cant wait for the whole game to realese!

Well gl, I cant wait to see where this goes, I've been loosely following the game for almost a year now, again though, Amazing game, I hope to see this in a few years thriving and doing well!

(1 edit)

ohhhhh nice lol

Ok, thanks mate.

How do i get 4th brick? great game tho amazing job cant wait to see more content!

Amazing game, Is this the full version or is there more to come?

How do i decode it to change the values?

Game doesn't work anymore

Raft community · Created a new topic Real raft?

I was wondering if this is the real raft or if this is just some fake raft, or even just  no game at all, if this is real, please respond.

Blu3 Game Jam #3 community · Created a new topic Paying

Any entry with a price tag will not be rated.

OMG, thank you, if worked!!!!

Wait, lemme go see that.

I tried, But i'm still stuck, I'll try again, but If I can't figure this out, then IDK what imma do.

I still can't figure it out, I want to get past it, but I can't do you have any other hints?

So is your time 3:23 or 4:23, I know this i a bit of a stupid question, but I don't follow what your saying.

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Thanks, I think, I'm not sure whose side you're on.


If you plan on submitting to this jam, then you need to do so very soon, the submissions are closing very soon, best of luck to you all.

Thanks, I might keep working on this, I might not, for know I'm learning c# and unity, then I have a HUGE project I will start working on in the next year or 2 after I leaner c#... and unity... and art... and all the other stuff for a game...

Can you send a clip? I can seem to get under 4:00.

I have a project in mind, but I was wondering if I could bring in someone to help me. I'm not sure if teams are against the rules, so I wanted to ask.