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A member registered Dec 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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sorry i didnt see this sooner! Its a Python dll error. i couldnt figure out the problem so i just went back to the online version.

It might just be my computer, clangen is also giving me an error

It says the discord link is invalid. :/

Absolutely adorable! so sweet and lovely. lol was very confused when the game said my name couldnt be Atlas XD some crazy coincidence that i go by that name.

just happened to me as well.

Are you supposed to be unable to save?

gah but i dont wanna fight the cute wolf witch ;-;

gonna literally follow this step by step now ;-; just wanna get to the other lvls.

;-; im stuck on the 3rd level

After you get your soul and talk to Lauren is there anything else to do in this room? took me waaay too long to get up here, and i dont wanna have to do this again. ;-;

what are the little icons with wings on them by a lot of the slime jump thing? did i miss over something crucial because i cant figure it out for the life of me.

throughout playing the game kept exiting full screen this happened about 5 or 6 times at the very beginning still in the lab.