And about the "sudden closing the game"? Have you found anything in regards to that?
Recent community posts
While I was playing, when the party came out of the dungeon, the underground of the first house, the party suddenly appeared above the house, and I could not do anything more.
This bug killed the game.
Also, I would sugest to place an inn in the first town, since the party can be killed due to too many battles
This game is really nice. But, I felt that there is something missing.
After the MC reach the end of the dungeon, why does not there is an entire world outside the dungeon?
YOu could use "Wizardry Variants Daphne" as example.
Besides the dungeon, there is an entire kingdom and plot where the dungeon is the main part of it.
I missed the part that your game is only the dungeon, but there is no world outside the dungeon
The battle system is terrible. It makes sure that the enemy will cheat to attack fist. And the characters are too weak.
The enemy has advantage and the party is terribly made.
Why did you place a rogue as tanker?
Please, remake this game and place a warrior with high stats as the tanker. A rogue as tanker is so absurd.
Oh, and the comedy is too forceful, the characters are as charismatic as a wood plank.
Oh, and I tried to do all the puzzles (100%) and not do all of them.
The ending is the same, Youmu saying that Reisen took too long.
It would be better to have two endings, both with Youmu and Reisen ending together.
But the lack of rection from Youmu when Reisen go right after her without completing anymore puzzles, that is disappointing.
And it would be nice to have a continuation. With Youmu helping Reisen in some puzzles, but outside Eientei.
Your game has terrible difficult level.
Teh first goblins one shot my characters.
And there is no button to trigger random battles.
If you placed a button for triggering the random battles, then it would fix part of the problems.
I abandoned this game after seeing that no matter how much time I spent in the "cellar" dungeon, there was not a single random battle
Dude, after I got the first 3 itens, the game appear to not progress.
Like, no matter where I go, there is no clue on what to do.
Can you make a walkthrough video?
Oh, And I tried every line, there is no change in the characters.
That idea of interupting the other character, there is no such thing in the game
Did you place Sekibanki as a Transexual?
She's a girl in the lore. A youkai, but a female. And the Grassroots as "LGBT"? They never talk about that.
In the lore the Grassroots network is to make a networking between youkai.
You messed up the true meaning of Youkai and human relationship.
Frankly, you messed up, placing some agenda instead of truly grasping the true beauty of Gensokyo and it's Youkai.
In this game the character "Ein" or MC childhood friend is merely support character with almost none attack except for a sigle enemy earth and thunder spell.
I believe this character would be best used if he gained an area thunder spell, it would help in the first Exam (village investigation) with all those poison slimes in the sewer catacombs under the village.
Because in this game demo it's better to strenghten relationship with the other 3 characters:
1) Alyssa (Area Nature Spell)
2) Jin (Area Fire Spell)
3) Lunelle (Area Water Spell)
Hint to this game:
1) Before "Combat Basics Class" (Arashiya Forest mission) buy a "EnAqua Crystal" on the stand selling crystals right under Vissage House.
2) When you're about to get the "Arashiya flower" one student will put the flowers on fire. Before leaving use the "EnAqua Crystal" to put out the fire on the flowers. Note: you will fail the "Combat Basics Class" anyway.
3) Once retaking the "Combat Basics Class", if you used "EnAqua" on the Flowers you will get 2 "Arashiya Flowers" instead of 1.
4) Do not use these flowers, you need 2 "Arashiya Flowers" to make a special armor with self heal abilities right after the fairy forest.
5) In "Soulstice" house you can get "Green Tea" on the desk where you save your game and exchange it for many itens with a boy sitting in one of the tables of this same house. He has a tea pot in front of him.
6) In "Foxhelm" house you can get "RootBeer" on the desk where you save your game and exchange it for many itens with a boy sitting in one of the tables of this same house. He has a "RootBeer" in front of him.
Sobre a sua pergunta da tela preta, eu disse trava e tela preta, mas queria dizer a mesma coisa:
O jogo fica nessa tela e não carrega o resto do cenário, apenas fica nessa tela escura. Essa eu tirei foto após sair pela 2° vez da casa do ferreiro.
Eu notei que isso aconteceu no ponto de salvar (pedra azul flutuante) logo antes da entrada da cidade (capital onde está o ferreiro).
Actually your game is really well made, but I don't feel it is my style of game.
I like games for fun without having to think a lot, only watching a good story. I feel tired while playing this game because of so many factors to worry about and to be able only to do one thing per day.
The worst part I saw was the 4 day trip to any training field. It would be better if there was a teleportation to the field so it would not waste so many days only to train characters and gather materials.
What's the logic to chose stats? The First (FQ) and Second (SQ) Questions are for MC stats. The third question is for the initial magic the MC can learn. The fourth question is for the house the MC will be in.
I didn't get the logic for the stats, I tried every combination and registered the results, until now for a mage the combination 4,3 (FQ,SQ). Less attack, good magic, good defense and great agility
One ideia that I had:
If the Player choose the same house as his childhood friend when the MC finds his/her childhood friend in the main hall the MC should speak:
-Hey! We are in the same dormitory, you could have waited for me in the dormitory entrance.
Childhood friend:
-Wow. You're in the same house as me? I expected more of you.
MC: (with a angry face)
-"punches" his/her childhood friend softly on the shoulder before the original speech of the character.
Eu fechei o jogo 2 vezes e posso dizer que, infelizmente faltam personagens com danos em área.
O enredo é muito bom e o jogo em si muito bem feito, o único ponto negativo é a falta de ataque em área.
A melhor equipe que eu achei até agora foi Knight, Pilferer, Bishop e Sorcerer. Essa equipe tem todo o ataque em área necessário para limpar os andares mais baixos.
A classe Sybil se tivesse dano sagrado em área substituiria o Sorcerer perfeitamente.
Tem muito personagem mas poucas combinações boas.
Eu sugeriria:
1) reduzir o número de personagens, tornar os personagens restantes mais fortes.
2) a "Inspiring Coin" para ganhar habilidades no jogo deveria por si mesma dar habilidades aos personagens, sem a necessidade de gastar 1 ponto de nível para isso.
3) Quando o personagem subir de nível seus status aumentem automaticamente, deixando os pontos por nível como aumento extra de status do personagem.
Eu tenho alguns comentários:
1) O jogo está travando e ficando em tela preta após sair da casa do Ferreiro ou alguma tela de carregamento o jogo trava.
2) O jogo trava um pouco, pequenos lags no decorrer do jogo, principalmente nas partes de carregar telas de combate e animação de sair de uma casa. Trava as vezes.
3) Poderia fazer o MP ser acumulativo entre as batalhas? Isso ajuda demais nas lutas mais difíceis. Ter de recarregar o MP através de ataques sacrifica muito tempo na batalha.
4) No plano espiritual, a habilidade "Manipulador" ou "Dar +1 MP por turno" não funciona, não dá MP algum.
1) The game goes black screen after leaving the blacksmith shop or randomly other loading screen it go black screen.
2) The game have some lags and small delays between loading screens, specialy in combats.
3) Could you make MP accumulate charge even after battles? It would make it easier to battle bosses and stronger foes.
4) In the Spiritual Realm, the abilitie "Manipulator" or "+1 MP per turn" doen't word, it doen't give MP at all.