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A member registered Apr 27, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hiya, just wanted you to know that I left a review of Second Chance on EvnTide ^_^


... I think I broke it ._. At the one part where the screen turns red and the only thing I can do is move towards the bar. Then more of those shapes appeared and I knocked into them and ended up with this:

And I couldn't move or do anything afterwards

Aww, thanks kindly for streaming this and the recommendation! ^_^ I'll definitely have to pop into your Twitch stream sometime!

Hey, thanks for playing! Did you download the updated version 1.2? I found the bug when I submitted it and couldn't change the game file for the game jam, so please lemme know which file you downloaded and played :)

Awwh thank you very much ^_^ It's pretty rough but it's my first game! I'm actually working on another animal-based visual novel to come out "soon" :) Keep watching!

(8 edits)

So Astrodog is a Twine game that I'm looking to build into a fully-fleshed choose-your-own-adventure featuring a happy-go-lucky Corgi who is cute and in love with an alien from another planet. He has 10 days to prepare for the big date, and the actions he does each day will uncover new plotlines, different endings, and allow him to acquire the essential items he needs to have the perfect interplanetary date!

Look forward to future updates as they come in!

I agree :> I've been practicing here and there but perspective and color theory are still things that really throw me off. I've been trying to read up on those as well of late though! ^_^

Oh my gosh, your artwork is stunning! Those trees....so...epic....

I agree, there needs to be a more visible area for game reviews that helps both the devs and folks looking to check out a game. I love the itch interface in general, but the only way I've seem people give 'reviews' is by posting comments under the game in question and linking to videos or other sites.

Hey! You're on my Twitter feed :D Good luck with your game and I hope you find the artist that fits! ^_^ I'll be keeping watch over your game's progress!

Whoa, congrats on being greenlit!

Such a cute little puzzle game!

Hey! Just wanted to say that this game looks fantastic! I love the whole art direction and style!

(1 edit)

I'm not a producer but I recently interviewed one on my podcast which you can find over yonder , and followup

Self promotion aside, from my talks with him, we've come to the general agreement that it's important to display anything that represents your ability to manage tasks and roles under pressure or deadline. Gather testimonials from people you've worked with/managed, have a set of projects that required someone to take charge and direct it in order for the project to come to fruition.

I guess this is kind of vague, but I hope it helps and good luck to you!

Thanks so much for the links! A few of these I've seen before but that first link is crazy good!

I think most developers would consider themselves gamers in one way or another :P Was a gamer when I first discovered this site, and I still love playing all the awesome funky games released here daily.

I don't think I've introduced myself yet, and if I have, it was a looong while ago.

Hi. I'm bluebirdplays. I'm a bird. Tweet.

Right now I'm in the planning process of making a new visual novel, but the only thing of note that I've made so far is a game about a Flamingo that saves the world, found right over heres.

I also have a podcasts that features indie games if that's your cup o' tea. And you can find that right on over hereeee

Otherwise, I'm a pretty simple creature. I looove indie games, but I think if I had to pick a favorite genre, it'd be adventure, point & click, visual novels, with platformers trailing slightly behind because I'm not that great a gamer! No thumbs is a bummer :(

Nice to meetcha all!

This was super helpful, especially having a pallet. I kept just picking at colors that looked nice xD Thanks much!

So I'm pretty new to pixel art but have been super interested in the idea of expanding my art to include it. I've found a few nice tutorials but I was wondering what everyone else has used to get better at pixel art!