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A member registered Apr 10, 2020

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I must ask this for everyone else who's a coward to ask.

Will this game be free upon release?

I mean... Personally I'd say a cheat menu could be available once you've played and beaten the game. That way you can cut straight to the  goodness.

Hey! I'm trying to move, but every direction i press moves me forwards. W,A,S,D all make me go straight.

Don't know if it's my problem, but it's both the browser and downloaded version

So, if you meet the alpha, and run from them, are you permanently softlocked to be succumbed to him when you rest? Is there a way to get rid of him or no? It's getting annoying trying to save data after every rest.

A quick tip for you? I would advise having a Gallery or a Memory section where people can review past scenes. Other than that? Great start!

So is there anything after the water area? I've unlocked everything and I can't find anything else. I can't find the kobold's friend or is that not a thing yet?

Congrats on making it this far! Keep it up! ;P

Congratulations on making it this far! I had some ideas similar to these animations, such as the self heal and the shooting (I actually thought a similar Dragon Ball Z powerup would be an ideal animation for the healing). 
Great job and keep it up!

Lurker, I guess that all the routes will be just as long, since, knowing the creator, is going to be amazing. You just have to wait maybe a year or so for the full story to come out, since it took a year to get this far. So hold your tail and just wait. Maybe check some other VN's, but Repeat will have to wait for a while, since the creator is also working on another game. So just wait and see! ;3

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Thank you so much for reading my suggestions! I want to even give out a few maps that I can draw so I can help, but of course that's your call. Thank you for listening to me and I'll get back to you ASAP! >w<

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I have been thinking and I honestly want to suggest a moon-based level, with less gravity. You said that this game in the future will have multiple worlds to travel to, so why not the moon!
Actually, let me just say what kind of levels there should be:
-Water levels, where you get bubbles for air...
-The moon, where gravity is less, but you move slower
-Lava world, where lava is everywhere...
-Plantation world, where the red kobold tribe lives (Maybe use this suggestion and the following?)
-The Mountains (Underground) where the blue kobold tribe lives!
-The Lab, which is home-base and allows you to see your Gallery

These are the current ideas for your game. I often GM for games like D&D and Pathfinder, so I can usually give ideas, but not make them into a thing if they involve coding or things... sure I can do world design but I've just started that.

I had downloaded this a while back and I came back to congratulate you! This is really a great demo, for as short as it is. I like the whole aspect of having currency and limited time in a Visual Novel, which I find interesting. Lot's of love and hope this continues well
-The one random kobold who downloaded this.

Hey Cookie! I love the build of the game and it reminds me of Mario levels, (Of course much cooler and more levels, and plot).  And I like the choice of species for what seems to be World 1! Just so you are fresh with the memory make sure the level and enemies fit the level! I've done some world design in 3-D modeling and this brought me a lot of help! Good luck and you got this!

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Well I saw that this had a hint of D&D in it. Does that mean there will be little skill checks or battles/minigames that requires random rolls? Just curious because that would seem pretty cool!

Edit: By the way, great artwork and I can't wait to see the full result! Nice characters and you can tell their personalities almost straight away! And this is the perfect party; a bard, paladin, and I would guess Sidd is a fighter? Good choices!

No problem! Great for being a free game! Hope the updates will be just as great!

Good games when they are cheap: 

Thats great!

This game:

Oh lord, best one yet!

Yeah, just wait and see! ;P

Unless Eyvind got that 10 charisma! *Hint hint*

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I think so. Just wait until the update! I'm already liking this 0.92 update! The update should come soon tho, so we shouldn't be waiting for long!