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A member registered Jan 22, 2021

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Wow, for a short demo that was something else! I’m really loving the cinematic style. It’s quite the unique experience. The lighting and dark shades are aesthetic treats. Eager to see how you take this story forward.

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I just completed playing the demo and wow, consider me blown away with the content so far! I understand that this is your first VN, but is this your first work of fiction as well? The quality of the narrative sounds very pro. And the CGs are excellent. It’s pretty rare to find good works having both of my favourite genres in literature: murder mysteries and queer romance. There is great potential in the story and I am hopeful you’ll take it in the direction that your readers and also you as a creator deserve.

If I might make a suggestion (apologies if it’s too personal and opinionated): I don’t know the scale of violence you’ve planned for Lurking, but I think it’d be great if you could limit or censor the visuals if it gets too bloody from this point onward (i.e., take the gory details out of the CGs and leave it to the reader’s imagination). There are a couple of pretty violent VNs I’ve avoided just for this particular reason despite the rave reviews. There may be many people like me who don’t minding reading about violent crime in fiction in mere words, but find it visually illustrated in pictures (or CGs) very off-putting.

Having played the likes of Straight!?, New Hope, Summer Vacation, Freshmen: Physical Education, and other great VNs, I look forward to seeing what you’ve got in store for us!

Looks very promising! I appreciate the high quality of the demo, and the effort you must have put in to make it so interactive. Also appreciate your attempt to help players self-insert with the aid of the glass ghost, but I think it would be nice to have an MC/protagonist, just my opinion. Glad to know that you’re considering other story-driven works in the future. Looking forward to the next update!

I like Riley's strange dichotomy in character and am really interested in knowing about the dynamics of his budding relationship with Connor. I know it's too early, and we haven't got to know any of the boys that well, but I personally feel that he is the perfect match for Connor. Matt may seem like he's the One but thinking alike may not always be a good thing. (Sorry, just thinking out loud, don't mind me!).

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This looks so promising. A unique premise, beautiful artwork, intelligent writing with a dash of humour, and most importantly, an interesting array of characters with great promise for development. So, the MC is going to be a bit of a slut and sleep around with the boys? Bring it on! ;)  

I am especially interested in Riley's route. I fell in love with the guy almost instantly. (It's not just those amazing cakes, although that is a wonderful bonus :p). Cheerful,  extroverted, sweet'n'caring, loves to be in the limelight, not to mention a total dork. Sighhh, Danny, thank you for introducing me to Riley. I so look forward to the updates. 

Blayke, just when I was getting sad about the fact that Straight!? was in its penultimate chapters, you went ahead and gave us this amazing work of art. I have replayed this three times so far and loved every second of it. There are many types of prejudices that exist in this world and (without giving away spoilers) Justin's extreme quirkiness, in addition to being gay (which can be considered more conventional), is a very intelligent medium to expore these prejudices. You don't need me to tell you that you are both an excellent storyteller and artist. I also love the diversity and depth of your characters and their tropes. The three characters that really caught my attention are Theo - the cold, lonely anti-hero; Eyal - the warm, affectionate knight in shining armour and Jeremy - the quintessential angsty rebel. Will there be a route for Jeremy? I really want to know more about him. I eagerly look forward to future updates.

Having followed the development of this VN for almost two years and thoroughly enjoying the story, I am sorry that I haven't provided any kind of feedback until now. Where should I begin? Would mere words suffice to commend this masterpiece? Zack and Braden are not only very relatable but they have helped me put things in perspective in ways I cannot describe here. Aaryn, Blayke, thank you very much for giving it to us "straight" ;) I am not in the habit of being hyperbolic and unctuous and so, I am telling you this with utmost sincerity when I say that Straight!? as a mainstream paperback has the potential to become a greater classic than Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. My overeager, imaginative mind is already inventing dollops of delicious drama involving the (possibly homophobic?) parentals and life after college. I am looking forward to the last chapter and all your future endeavours. More power to you!