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Bluemin Night

A member registered Feb 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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That is awesome to hear!

Back then, it was said to be the first RPG game made by Indonesian to be released publicly, but if you have any details about that game more, I would love to hear it!

It's sad it's mostly forgotten now, but I will always remember that game.

ohh Abe, Bambo, and Cici. I wonder when you three will comeback...

I remember playing an RPG maker game called "Petualangan Divine Kids" and one of the monster is a poop, this sure does bring good old childhood memories

I found this a random student group project on making a pencil holder from scrap plastic using the Dead Horizon trailer song.

From the looks of it, it seems to be made by an Indonesian elementary student, and I find it charming that I think it's not wasting your time to share this.

Does this game support keyboard control?  

It said "Ohhhh" in Korea
not sure what that means too.

We all get into messy situations at some point, and I'm sorry if my words accidentally make you feel uncomfortable.

I'm sorry to hear that you lose your job, and I wish you the best and will find a new better job.

Honestly, I found the demo to be great. It leaves players enough room to try how the game could be while also enough to intrigue us to seek more and till the end

Also yeah! I've seen Approaching Infinity, and I would love to play it after I'm done with some time-consuming college stuff, thank you for recommending it!

I know I'm just some random stranger, but I do hope your best at getting through hard times in life.

No problem! It's been more than 3 months since I played this demo.

Playing it all makes me appreciate Dead Horizon story even more, both previous prequel was indeed a game to a much larger game (Origin and 7DRL) and how it builts up to current Dead Horizon was fascinating.

Thank you for creating Dead Horizon! and I assume this is your dream passion project with how you revisits Dead Horizon 

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I did an oopsie and accidentally deleted my post instead of editing Xd.

but anyways... it's me again discovering new things in your game and still obsessing over this demo.

I felt something... I remember The Wanted man said everyone from Prospect died and proclaims himself as "We"

the death screen on the roguelike Dead Horizon is "No one will ever know what happened to the Town of Prospect" and we play as the only survivor, and the dying man Bonnie talks to tell us about Everyone on Prospect and them finding the source of "The Winding Way"

Was the wanted man the protagonist from the Roguelike Dead Horizon? if I was right then that's really cool to know!

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I played all the previous Dead Horizon games, and all of them are interesting in their own way.

I also just finished watching the first episode of Trigun 90's anime, and I see that Redstar has a similar design to Vash as well Trigun's influence just from the Revolver Bonnie and he used

Dead Horizon

I think it's your first Dead Horizon game? but anyway, it was very far from the current Dead Horizon and Origin in terms of aesthetics, the OST and complaints from the guy give me the vibe I'm playing a horror game and a sense of hopelessness. unfortunately, I didn't reach the end due to me being not good at roguelike (and not that big of a fan of it) but it does serve much ground for future Dead Horizon.

Dead Horizon: Origin

This is when we play as our beloved gunslinger Bonnie Star! we see her humble beginning shooting cans as she is being taught by the old man and how she started to become a wreck in the next installment, the ost is amazing, and for a short game free game, it was an amazing experience to play, and I remember a bit struggling when dealing with Fred but it's not an issue, and it's nice to see some OST from this game get into newer Dead Horizon.

also, is it just me that Bonnie looks chubbier in Origin compared to her current look? 

My conclusion.

Looking at those two games, I felt like this game will get darker as the story progress, everything that looks colorful and cheerful at the start will in the future become darker and tragic as Bonnie goes on her journey in the dying world as an outlaw carrying the bible. and well the Sci-fi aspect of the game that I can't wait to see as this game got finished!

on an unrelated question, I saw a trailer for Yolk Hero on your YT channel, and I'm curious about the game as the premise itself looked interesting, I cannot say much about it, but I would love to play and pay for it when it fully comes out!

Even if it's just a short simple game,  and had no lightgun to play this game the way it intended, it does capture the quick reaction and shooting like Time Crisis!

while the elevator part "Wait" annoys me a bit, it's an amazing experience for me to play this game!

Idk if you have founded it now, but you can click on a small blue tent near Tumbleweed sign where you first meet with The Redstar and get a line from Bonnie they're probably busy doing authographs.

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I've been playing the demo for many times now. and I'm even more surprised with how much depth and things that could be easily missed from first playthrough. 

Things like some dialogue option that reveal character depth only from certain action (The girl dialogue if we immediately decide to shoot Winston from start) and some hidden things like the superstitious house near the saloon when talking to "Sundown" for alcoholic drink.

I can see a lot of potential and replayability with many story possibilities with Bonnie's fate depending on our choice and action.

Also, will we get to see Ronald and Carl? they're probably still with Winston, and with how important he is for Bonnie, I think Bonnie might meet him again at some point. Perhaps even the late post guy too since he's a fan of Winston troupe.

Awesome, just as ZONGE said, we looking forward to the full version

He still not hates even when he got shot by Bonnie. now that's a lot of patience he got.

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I do have a theory we might actually be able to make Bonnie take over The Water Baron (or make her own company) and become rich by profiting the underground river by the end instead of giving free water...

I don't know how the game will be but that's just my theory. 

Gotta be framed criminal first to do criminal act

I mean... Ma used to say that men had guns and women had mirrors and make up.

so I guess it better off hanging your gun on the wall eh?

You can't get any hexshot before you get arrested, you must first arrested to get the ammo

After escaping from Prison, you will need to say Goodbye to Winston, he will give you some ammo before leaving you for good

you could also get some more ammo if you got enough brass before the duel, and giving the broken bottle to the old man

I mean at least he finally feels what "heavenly" really mean

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Ya can run off back to whatever water farm or salt mine you grew up in. Hang your gun up on the wall, pop out a few kids, and tell em stories about the bad ol days

I'm controlling her faith for the better or worst depending on my mood

but NEVER shoot the girl

I found it funny even though Bonnie is searching for a booze, I like how I could still do the entire demo without having to drink 

I know I already leave a comment here before, but I just can't stop enjoying the game OST. added with the animation at the end of the demo

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I saw this game tree months ago on steam and put it on wishlist it's avaliable for download. And it turns out amazing and beyond my expectation

I enjoyed how everyone reacted when you pull your gun out as well the choices that presented.

I hope this game will be finished one day.

edit: some minor mistake