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A member registered Jul 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi, can you message me on discord?  soma#2478

Thank you i appreciate it ! 

aaa thank you so much!! >< it's my first playable game and i'm so excited

the art is very cute and beautiful!

Loved the concept lol!! anything for grandma. the art is great and suits the game perfectly

the gameplay is nice although i couldn't get speed higher than 12 due to the boxes

the gameplay is fun and it looks amazing, i really enjoyed it, although enemies keep spawning outside the box

Loved it! with i had couple hearts tho i wanna keep playing but it's hard hehe

Looks very nice and promising! but the water i start with is too low i can't reach the other water till im dead ... i kept trying to drink from the sea lol

Good luck improving it! can't wait to play it once you finish the things you want to implement

how do i start playing? im stuck at the tutorial and the game seems fun i wanna try

me too i can't solve it lol but looks very good

Seems verrrryyy funnn but the shift working isn't working with me and i'm trying to save them by jumbing around..

it's really good i love it and can't wait to play it when it's fully released ^^

im trying to play but it won't start

LOVED it!! i would play a whole worm game with different levels like this :3 Good luck!

omg the games are very good! 

i can't milk the cows T-T

Lovvvveddd ittt especially the ending!!! so cuteeeee and was not expected at all! Can't wait to play more of your games

Loved it!! i had the same idea before and I'm really glad someone made it & it turned out this perfect!! it really depicts the same feeling i get. Thank you for your hard work

Hi, The game sounds amazing! I have always wanted to make a psychological game. I don't have a portfolio but I would love to join your team as a programmer.

LOL i love it XD