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A member registered Sep 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah you’re probably right I didnt really have time to add a proper tutorial with a beginner level

Thanks. I chose this perspective because I thought it had visual value but I guess I didn't consider the effect it has on gameplay.

That is a glitch. The intended boss fight consisted of a boss enemy and only a few other minor enemies.


I like the art style although the menu could use a bit of polish. The gameplay is well balanced and I love the addition of the meteors disintegrating upon entering the atmosphere. 

The gameplay is fun and each level is different enough so that it stays fun for a long time. However it could use a few more sound effects and visual effects to make it more immersive. Besides that great game!

Very cool! Unique concept with some nice and smooth gameplay. Easy to learn aswell (At least it was for me). The sounds are great and so are the visuals. The only critique I have is that the gameplay could be a bit more diverse.

No problem.

Excellent. Enjoyed it very much only flaw was that it didn't last longer.

ight thx

Oh cool

Community Game Jam community · Created a new topic Prizes?

Will there be any form of Prizes? Also how will we be judged?

Thanks man!

Death effect looks like minecraft particle

Cool update! You should add more stuff like the ice lasers it adds more depth to the game!


Its a pretty solid game. It has some decent visuals that could of course be improved on but its a game jam after all. The sounds and music are alright. It matches the theme pretty well. However the gameplay doesn't feel very interesting or unique. Maybe you could add a story to it or some new features. Also make it a bit more challenging it was a bit too easy in my opinion. Overall its decent in most categories except for the core gameplay that might need some improvement. 

Thanks a lot man!

Yeah I'd like that. If it could be an .exe file that'd be great.

Thx for the rate and play! I'm actually working on a singleplayer mode for the game that I'll be done with in 2-3 days. So if you'd like to check that out then make sure to play the post jam version! https://bluewrench010.itch.io/tiny-invasion-post-btp-jam.

Great game! The theme was incorporated really well. The visuals were simply and yet absolutely stunning. Very unique and interesting game as well. The music+sounds were super duper. The only thing that lacked was maybe giving the gameplay a bit depth since its kinda easy to win and only offers the same outcome every time you play.

I was unfortunately unable to play you're game because I couldn't open the 7z file? Therefore I rated it based on the screenshots and embed twitch video.

Thank you for playing the game and rating! I get that the instructions weren't that clear but as you know game jams are really limited. If you'd like you can check out our post jam version of the game were we've made the instructions more clear and added more mechanics to give balance and depth. https://bluewrench010.itch.io/tiny-invasion-post-btp-jam (Its not completely finished though).

This is a really cool game with a unique story to it. The visuals are quite pleasing to the eye and match the music as well as sounds. However where the game lacks is in its ability to instruct players on how to play.  Also the experience wasn't the best because it constantly kept crashing. I think the crashing might have been a result of using a rookie engine like game maker since it isn't the most stable with larger games just my opinion though. Lastly the theme wasn't that well incorporated since there isn't mentioned or shown a mini planet anywhere. Some people might disagree with me but I personally don't think the parts of the larger planet counts as mini planets. Overall its a pretty fun game just too bad that it keeps crashing.

Well thank you! I was unable to play you're game but it seemed like a good game too.

I was unable to play the game because I don't have winrar so I only rated it based on what I could see on the page.  The picture indicated that it matched the theme and that the visuals were alright which is rare for a jam game.  

Thats nice to hear!

This is a really good game! Its well polished and has simple but fun mechanics. The theme is integrated nicely and the sounds+music are super juicy. The only critique that I have is that the bullets for the towers look a little bland also the game idea lacks a bit of uniqueness so maybe add a unique mechanic or something like that. Overall I give it a 5/5 of course this does not mean it was perfect no games are perfect.

Thanks for playing it! If you haven't rated it yet then please do so. Also I'd love to check out your game

A little bit buggy but besides that its really good. 

I appreciate that you played this game and that you enjoyed the visuals. I will try to make the menu layout a bit more interesting.

Thanks for the feedback!

This is honestly the BEST game I've played so far. Really cool idea and creative idea! The visuals are great and the sounds+music matches them just right. Rating this game actually took a while because it was so darn addictive xD I just couldn't go above 6224 which is my highscore. Overall I'd give it 5 stars in every category! 1 thing you could do better though is maybe add numbers to the planet just to make it a bit easier to work with.

Thanks for playing it! I know its a bit hard to learn but I've focused on that part in the post jam version. I'll make sure to play and rate you're game

Hey I can't play you're game on my PC even though it looked really awesome! I use Windows 10.