I would be down for a bugfix-only v0.20 and delaying new stuff for v0.21, but I realize that precisely pulling out all the new stuff is probably quite a bit of time.
Recent community posts
I'm really confused about when the game runs calculations to update [your friend]'s weight. I haven't paid attention to this before the current patch, so I'm not sure if this is a result of new breakage, old breakage, or I just don't understand how the system works.
In my current save, she was 400kg a couple years ago, now she's 650kg. Her weight doesn't seem to update between days, so maybe it only updates every year?
I'm starting to get nervous about her health (but I can't see her vitals like the MC so I can't tell), and I have no idea if the game has a failure condition on her weight going too high upward. Her weight seems essentially the same between days, so I can't tell if weight loss pill gifts or gym visits have any effect. I'm trying to solve this problem without discontinuing her meal subscription service.
I already maxxed out her bust size with magic milk on a previous patch, so I haven't tested if magic milk works on this patch.
(As an aside, when I first started the interactions with [your friend], I was initially trying to feed her the bust reducing medicine that I had developed, but I guess the dialog and narration is written to assume that she's well-endowed.)
Somehow I missed connecting with Beth? I'm not sure that I can still proc the event to get her number at my current weight stage, and I'm getting occasional events where my character already knows her name even though I never even bumped into her as an acquaintance. I guess I didn't use the running path enough as earlier weight stages? (But I did wander around the park quite a bit.) This impacts progression with Lily.
Also I got challengers to my Glizzard title on this release before I had even claimed the title initially.
I was hoping for an hourglass build, where your character can get curvier without putting on belly fat? Maybe you could get toward this build by purchasing the purple gem but not the scrolls and go for tons of walks?
Also you should verify your store tags against the tags that everyone else is using.