So glad you enjoyed the fever mode and infection systems. Those are really the core of the game and took a lot of fiddling to get them interesting.
Yeah I'm always so unsure of control layouts. For this game I just used the same control scheme as Ninja Gaiden 2 Black and hoped that would land. But our game is very different. You can actually change the controls by pressing CTRL+Y. But default controls are important regardless.
The enemies were tuned pretty difficult to make fever mode more pivotal. Early on the mode was useless, you could just stay in normal mode and spam them with basic attacks. I may have taken them too far though. They don't drag you towards them, they actually knock you back. But your attacks have pretty strong homing ability, especially in fever mode, which is probably what you were noticing.
And yes your last point seems to be running theme with all feedback. The floaty slippery feeling character was very intentional, one of the first things we decided we wanted for the game, but my late decision to include some precision platforming sections to try and spice the game up was a bad call. Should have kept it a purely combat driven game with maybe just some easy platforming.
Thanks for the compliments on the visuals and sounds, the artist and musician both worked really hard I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that.
And thank you so much for the thorough review. I'll rate and review your game later tonight!