We wanted to represent the negative thoughts and toxicity of the environment that women face in our game, as these frequently obstruct their path to success. The metaphor of nature exemplifies this. To conserve oxygen, Mother Earth (Gaia) attempts to trap toxic fumes in the ground and plants. Neither of these battles against social injustice nor environmental collapse can be won alone, and we must all work together to create a world that is both sustainable and safe. This collaborative support is represented by protective layers that shield Gaia from the harsh world around her, whereas the world's toxicity manifests as malice, which Gaia must destroy.
A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →
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A 3D/2D hybrid fantasy runner game in which you take on the role of Gaia, the goddess of nature
A serious game on how to cope with the death of a loved-one
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