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A member registered Feb 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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I see.

You do make a good point.. with people funding their project. But it is evident they have gone quiet -- you'd think people would stop funding. As for updates,, it would be nice to have a new update; but we can't know for sure if they have ongoing personal problems unless they tell us. It'd be nice to know, but we still can't blame them for not having the game yet.. and  maybe they can't update yet: no one knows if they can or can't :) I do see your view on it, however. Unlike you, I haven't been waiting two years for an update.. I glanced at it in 2020 but didn't really feel motivated to download the demo ahah.

I get it’s been two years; but I’ve seen smaller projects take 4+ years to launch. Cut them a little slack, it is their first game and they do have a life outside of developing one as well.. :]