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Bob l'amateur

A member registered Mar 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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That’s great, a good start ! Now there is potential, it's up to you to create a great game with these game mechanics ! plus, it's a very good soundtrack ! It doesn't loop perfectly but it's really cool. and rather original for this type of game where you have to climb. Very curious how you will design this game next !

(2 edits)

Ok it's going to be a masterpiece, continue that I'm looking forward to it!
And it's on mac ! Thanks you so mutch !

nice little game, i like it !

Best game of the year, I don't want to hear anything. This is absolutely awesome. The song and the design are incredible and the possibility to choose your life and the stage is really a good thing !
I'm not a big bullet hell player in general, and it's not the kind of game I play, but this game really made me discover the genre and it fit perfectly for a casual player like me.

this adorable pixelated style and this type of arcade-like gameplay is more and more rare these days, it's really nice to see a game like this.

Now go try to finish the game without dying, only one heart and without using the X and C key. (i'm joking this is too hard for me, but i can always dream)

Waiting for a mac version ♡