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A member registered Apr 16, 2022

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How do I explain this without making this seem like a 300 lbs neckbeard trying to explain stuff by writing a whole goddamn book.

 It's a child.

Go touch some grass.

Dude, people keep saying they should do this. But it won't help better production and development. If they were to do this they'd most likely still come back to the Steam issue of no minors being depicted in the game. And before you try and reason with me after a week of no replys from anyone to you. Steam probably does semi-thorough inspections into the game, and if it has any lolis or underage characters on another download offsite. It'll probably still fail and maybe even get permanently banned from appling to join the steam store.

Hell the whole reason they made this post is because they wanted to see how people would react to one of the characters being changed and for them to be added to steam. And in the process they exposed people for wanting to fuck or see lewds of a literal child. 

I'm now going to vanish for another week.

No, I'm Bob.

Dude, its illegal in omost half the world. Believe me when I say this, drawn or not it's still a depiction of an underage being.

I stated this in a comment I posted earlier, "think with your brain, not your dick." I'd like to add onto that. Think with you brain, use logic and common knowledge. But don't ever think with your dick, you'll most likely end up in prison down the road. That guy may feel nice when you give him a few rubs but, boy does he really want to fuck you over.

Honestly, if this plan actually works with the 18 year old Chiaki. It'd be a good idea, remove the whole loli aspect, just make her somewhat petite. She as far as I've played seems like a shy character, and the whole shy aspect + petite would make sense. 

Ignore some of the weirdos here who want to see the current version kept and made lewdable. This whole remake of her character would do you good in terms of future monetary gain, especially if you can make it onto steam. Mainly because I guarentee some people don't trust or patreon enough to give some money for the game on here. And expanding onto steam would sorta introduce the game to people who've never heard of it, and don't wanna buy it on here. For those reading this who disagree, think with your brain not your dick.

Bro, don't be wierd.

°_°        what did I just read.