Hello there! I'm creating a dialog text GUI, ( like in a normal RPG) , and to make things easier I added a variable like so:
class TextBBehavior extends Sup.Behavior { DlgMgr :DialogMgr ; Message_1 : string; awake() { this.DlgMgr = new DialogMgr(this.actor.textRenderer); // this.DlgMgr.AddMessage(["Who are you?\nLeave this place",75,5000]); this.DlgMgr.AddMessage([this.Message_1,75,1000]); Sup.log("Sup?" + this.Message_1 + "Let's check this" + 'test\\ntest' +" It is the same oh damn :c"); // } update() { this.DlgMgr.PrintMessages(); } }
The commented version works fine, but if manually set in the scene manager (in the Behavior's propierties) the text ("Who are you?\nLeave this place") it prints the \n without doing a carriage return, my guess is that the behavior's properties automatically scapes the \n character .
Thanks in advance.
Btw, special thanks for the team that created this great app ,and to the community that helps in improving it :)