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A member registered Aug 22, 2019

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How do I talk with Gaius? And make Dante left?

I'm guessing "pottymouth" and "buttface" are related 😳

Does this game have vore or only vore tease at most?

public build when?

I just want more "bellypet" moments when you go perma unbirthed :33

Most orcs in fantasy settings are. Nothing new about it.

But no possible male dating in the future?

is it possible to date male characters in this dating sim?

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Congratulations on your PhD! It's understandable you prioritizing your thesis, so don't blame yourself for the long hiatus.

But reading this post is a great news for me! One of the most unique visual novel (I mean it; a goblin-focused visual novel? Unique indeed!) is finally returning. ^w^

Can't wait to finally play the part 02~ <3

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Btw, a bug report:

Jasmine still rescues player from herself when screaming for help.

Wanna bet both of them will be the main favorite romance paths?~

You can every 08AM when she's taking a shower.

Every character that offers a home has their sex shower's scene.

Any chance to add weight gain on him? I mean, I'd love to see if we can make him chubby or a musclegut one x3c

Just to give you a notion:

Took me 8 hours with constant watch @w@

Nvm. Finally downloaded. Must be my shitty wifi :P

Can't download the game in both direct and Dropbox link. It always "finishes" downloading either above or bellow 1gb.

imp... he's a werewolf, why bother with clothes xV

But I get ya

A suggestion:

Is it possible to adapt the bf? Like if we want a muscular bf to play with, we make him work out more, or if we want him to be chubby, we feed him more (and if we want a musclegut one, we do both~ :3c)?

Same for age. Being able to choose the bf's age would abroad people's taste more, since some players might like the bf be the same age as them or older.

Oh no.

You made the dad hotter ♡

No worries. Glad to know you're okey and working hard in your life. And good to know the new update is halfway finished~

We're cheering you for your success, either in your life or your game.

Kickass, gob~ ♡


Spoilers bellow:

Just comply everything he asks, be submissive and you'll get it.

Hello again~

Came here to give you cheering vibes and ask how you doing~ ♡

Ah~ I see you're a man of culture as well. UwU

The NSFW tag is a lie.

Forget about it. There's none.

Only cock blocking.

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Why this game does that???

Like I finally get THE MOST CLOSE one to make love with Erik and FOR WHAT??

For a fricking nosebleed.

To ruin everything.

Erik, no doubt.

Tho not really a futa anymore.

Jason changed it to be a trans.

Interesting. Gonna follow waiting for an android version.

Btw, the Panda's shirt quoting is a bit wrong.

太い is used for "thickness", not really for "fat", and the phrase structure is not in the correct way, specially the Past Tense in 太った, since it suggest he was fat, not anymore.

So the most appropriated phrase would be 大きな脂肪パンダ.



*Himbo vibes detected*

Awesome! Hope it can be allowed to add more content in the future~ ♡

Nevermind. After a loong time, I just needed to interact with the frasks at the Dungeon Room byside the trapped slaves. -w-

Can't find how to progress in the Slave route at the Werewolves Den. How do I complete the Shaman Task?

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Just played the new build in Brendan's route and....

Ngl, having those three together have not passed throught my mind before but....

Can't deny how it turned out interesting, VERY interesting to see how it goes. :333

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Also moar Brendan's content?

I hope this is not April Fools' joke D:

Gonna see that with my eyes *w*

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About your hand, it's probably because you're using your wrist too much when you're drawing.

Lots of artist might suffer tendinites there because of constant use of the wrists. To remedy that (or diminish) you need to use your shoulder more.

Here's more info about how to hold the pencil (digital pen):

PS: you don't need to adjust your grip to a Hand-over grip; keep using your grip but just adapt your wrist to shoulder more when drawing.

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Loved the game. But... I have to ask.

There'll be Elder's, Gerald's and Garu's routes?

Oh boy~ *w*

Well, keep up with the good work. I definitely felt that thrilling feeling of teacher/student dynamics I seek on.

Can't wait for moooar~ TwT


Brendan's day was fricking hawt~

Too bad you end up with fricking blueballs aaa

Notheless, I can't wait for moar Brendan's content~ ♡♡♡