How do I talk with Gaius? And make Dante left?
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Congratulations on your PhD! It's understandable you prioritizing your thesis, so don't blame yourself for the long hiatus.
But reading this post is a great news for me! One of the most unique visual novel (I mean it; a goblin-focused visual novel? Unique indeed!) is finally returning. ^w^
Can't wait to finally play the part 02~ <3
A suggestion:
Is it possible to adapt the bf? Like if we want a muscular bf to play with, we make him work out more, or if we want him to be chubby, we feed him more (and if we want a musclegut one, we do both~ :3c)?
Same for age. Being able to choose the bf's age would abroad people's taste more, since some players might like the bf be the same age as them or older.
Interesting. Gonna follow waiting for an android version.
Btw, the Panda's shirt quoting is a bit wrong.
太い is used for "thickness", not really for "fat", and the phrase structure is not in the correct way, specially the Past Tense in 太った, since it suggest he was fat, not anymore.
So the most appropriated phrase would be 大きな脂肪パンダ.
About your hand, it's probably because you're using your wrist too much when you're drawing.
Lots of artist might suffer tendinites there because of constant use of the wrists. To remedy that (or diminish) you need to use your shoulder more.
Here's more info about how to hold the pencil (digital pen):
PS: you don't need to adjust your grip to a Hand-over grip; keep using your grip but just adapt your wrist to shoulder more when drawing.