Your welcome ^^
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If I remember correctly, the original submitter can add more users as "admins" to their project which then can be ticked as "collaborators" to be displayed as additional creators of the submission and to be granted the permission to vote.
You'll find the option under the Admins section (hidden under More) of your project's Edit Project page (you can find the button to enter the page beneath your specific project on the Projects section of your dashboard) but since only the original creator can access the edit page, you'll have to ask paku to add you. That's how I got to vote on all these amazing submissions. :D
Good luck!
I really like the concept of advancing by manipulating obstacles in different timelines! The tutorial at the beginning introduces controls and mechanic nicely too, that's always a good thing to have.
The game is somewhat short though, but coming up with complex puzzles can be very difficult, so that is completely understandable.
Really cool idea with lots of potential! I really like the aesthetic of the game, visuals and sound-wise very appealing and nicely done.
The few first few levels introduced controls and core mechanics precise and easy to understand, that's always a plus.
Only thing I wished is that there were more elements than walls and spikes to work with for, but I completely understand that time is limited, especially during a gamejam.
For the short amount of time however, your game and what is has to offer is amazingly polished! Great job!
I really like the idea of having different abilities to use cleverly in order to advance! (Even though I got confused with them in the beginning too, just like riko said.) The art is amazing and meshes well with the sfx, only issue is that the music is too quiet in comparison to the sounds, so either the sfx blasts my ears or the music is barely noticeable. But overall, great Game!
You did a great job with this game! The winding mechanic feels very natural and the overall graphic and sound design is done in a really charming way! The only thing that was slightliy frustrating was having to go back to earlier places just to turn directions, but I think very careful fine-tuning of level design and object placement might be good way to fix this, this is just my opinion though.