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I suspected you were Australian by the ascent of some of your characters. Well, we live in Brazil (a similar economy) and here we got funding from the gov, tax incentives and crowdfunding for our projects for the past years. It works pretty well. I checked on Perplexity AI and the answer could give some hope to you:
Yes, there are various funding calls and programs for cultural projects and digital games in Australia:
- Screen Australia provides funding for the development or production of interactive media.
- The states of Queensland and Victoria offer tax incentives and subsidies for training personnel in digital games companies.
- The South Australia region supports the placement of newly qualified personnel in digital games companies.
- Australia aims to promote an innovation culture, which includes the development of more intelligent digital games.
Therefore, Australia has various public programs to support the digital games sector, including direct funding, tax incentives, subsidies for training and hiring personnel, as well as support for the placement of newly qualified personnel and internship offers.
Good afternoon
I am Dr. Tito Aureliano. I am the author of the original Dino Hazard® franchise which includes games, toys, books, comics etc. I am the only owner of the Trademark DINO HAZARD. See
You recently published another game entitled 'Mutant Alley Dino Hazard' which illegally claims to own my Trademark 'DINO HAZARD'. It is actually a developer using my intellectual property in the title of the product without my consent. I am talking about this game here:
By using 'Dino Hazard' as part of the title of your game you are not only confusing my clients and fanbase but causing potential Legal problems for me, since a great percentage of the 'Dino Hazard' customers are kids and teenagers.
The original published earlier by me and my studio (BONE COLLECTORS) is:
Steam Early Access: seems to have a good reputation among the indie game dev community. I am surprised that you let this happen. Steam would never let an infringement like this happen.
I already flagged your video on YouTube and started preparing Legal measures regarding this situation.
I would like to kindly ask you to remove the upload of this game that illegally uses my intellectual property in its title or request the change of the title immediately.
I will be waiting for your feedback this week.
Tito Aureliano.
DINO HAZARD © 2018, 2021 Tito Aureliano. DINO HAZARD is a registered trademark of Tito Aureliano. © 2017 BONE COLLECTORS © 2017 Colecionadores de Ossos
Hello Shora.
I sincerely hope you are doing alright.
Our players love your light plugin. Thank you for it!
However, there's just this small bug they discovered that is troubling my mind. I tried to solve it but I couldn't.
I get breaking bug errors every time when I leave a game, go to the title screen and then choose to Start a New Game.
Our players are mad about this. And I have no idea how to fix this.
May you have a great weekend with health and peace.
Obrigado pelo código, Eli. Infelizmente, estou tendo problemas de compatibilidade. O jogo está crashando quando carrego uma cena com seus plugin commands. Tenho uma sopa funcional de YEP, GALV, hIME, iRINA, Olivia, SRD, e muitos outros coders aqui. Pode ter dado algum bug com algum deles. Mas eu precisava tanto reorganizar as escolhas da loja no Dino Hazard...
Ok. I will write it here too, then. I loved the Earthbound and Doom referencies. I played with gamepad. When I pressed 'B' to leave menu, sometimes game glitches. During these glitches, if I keep pressing 'B' to leave, game eventually crashes. It happened 3 times. Generally when I was giving green herb to my characters, and pressing 'B' to return to the game. That was the only bug I found. Fortunately, I always save between fights. So, I didn't loose too much time between crashes. But, hey... You should launch this game on Steam as it is... and keep on releasing the chapters from time to time. It already looks very professional. Congratulations on your RPG.
I am sorry to contact you here, but I did not get your feedback elsewhere. I am an indie game dev. I ordered all of your Horror tilesets. They are amazing and fit well in my indie game. I am customizing the art of this game with art from other artists now. Do you work as a freelancer for small requests (like new vehicles and characters)? Thank you for your time and congratulations for you work! Sincerely, T.