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V-Bolt Studios

A member registered Feb 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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I am in need of a 3D Artist who can model, animate, and texture. Our team is halfway through development, but we are in need of a 3D Artist ASAP. Most of the models have been already made, but they are waiting for textures. Payment is rev-share. If you're interested and want more info, DM me on Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

Note: You must be actively responding and showing progress. Not responding without a proper excuse may lead to termination from team.


I am a music producer and I'm looking for a project. I am looking to make about 25$ so I can pay my phone bill, lol. I do all kinds of genres of music and SFX. I can provide samples of my music, just DM me on Discord: Bonekiller99#1732
I accept payment through gift cards, as it is easier for me. Hope to work with you soon!

I accepted it! 

Hello! I have a team put together and are looking for Concept Artists to join. Concept Artists should be able to share progress as needed, and be able to respond within 24-36 hours. Failure to respond without prior notice may result in termination from the team. We currently have a project in the works that we could use some help on. If you are interested, please DM me on Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

Basically I need someone to draw my idea. I have reference photos for them to go off of. It's just my drawing skills are terrible lol.

(1 edit)

I am in desperate need of a concept Artist so that my team may continue development on our game.  Concept Artist must be active and sharing progress consecutively. Failular to inform the Lead Artist or myself of planned inactiveness (such as work, family emergencies, etc) will result in termination. If you would like to apply, DM me on Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

Hello! I am looking for 3D Artists to join my development team. Right now we only have one 3D artist and so it's quite stress for them. If you'd like to apply, DM me on Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

WE NEED MORE PROGRAMMERS. PLEASE DM ME IF YOU CAN HELP OUT. Programmer should know how to make Enemy Ai, Inventory System, first person controller, etc.

Cool! Shoot me a message on Discord and we'll chat!

Either Unity or Unreal Engine. Whichever they prefer. 

I wish to make all sorts of games. That is why I'm putting together a team. You may contact me on discord for more information on what I have in mind for the first project.

(9 edits)

Hello! I am looking to put together a team of individuals to help with game ideas I have! The payment will be shared revenue from any games we produce. Games will be made using Unity or Unreal Engine. Here is what I'm looking for (note: this list will be updated if people join):

  • 3D Programmers (should also know how to make Nintendo Switch games or at least know how to configure controls) - 1/3 
  • Voice actors - 3/6
  • 3D artists (Must be able to make the textures as well as well as rigging and animation) - 2/3
  • Writer - 1/1 THIS POSITION IS FULL

NOTE: Leaving during a project will result in zero shared revenue and your name not credited unless your reason for leaving is acceptable. 

If you'd like to join or want more information, please contact me through Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

NOTE (2): THIS IS A TEAM. MEANING WE MAKE ALL SORTS OF PROJECTS. Contact me on discord to learn more about the first project I have in mind.

(3 edits)

Hello! I am a music producer looking for projects! I have a few samples I can share with you. I don't charge much, I'll probably just ask for you to gift me discord Nitro, or get a 10$ gift card or something. Hope to help you all on your games! DM me on my Discord for more information: Bonekiller99#1732 

There might be! Contact me on Discord!

Cool! If you have discord you can add me there and we'll chat about it!

Will do!


Awesome! I will contact you!

Cool! I'll check out her demo reel! Also, if you'd like, you may contact me and we can talk about maybe either writing or game testing! 

Sounds good! I accepted your friend request!

yep! 1 more slot available!

(13 edits)

I am making a horror game and I am in need of some Team members. The game is about a detective (the player) who has to solve clues and go throughout an odd town that is filled with weird creatures to find a girl who went missing. This is a 3D game, and of course, a horror game. meaning it gets spoopy. Here's the types of people I'm looking for:

Programmers = 1/3

3D artists/animators = 2/3

2D artists = 1/2

Voice Actors = 4/4

VFX/Music Composes = 1/1

If you'd like to join or hear more on it, DM me on Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

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Hello, I am making a horror game and am in need of 3D models. You will have to have some understanding of animation. The game will contain scenic objects and creatures. Game will be made with Godot Engine. DM on Discord if you'd like to help out! My discord: Bonekiller99#1732


Hello! I am looking for a 3D modeler for my horror game I am making. It will require inanimate objects such as flashlights and such, and animated objects such as creatures. DM me on Discord for more info! My discord: Bonekiller99#1732

I'm down. I'll DM you.

Hello! I am a voice actor looking for a project. I prefer working for action games (games that you move around in), not visual novels. Some types of games I like and am good at voices with: FNAF (I can do a pretty good Glamrock Freddy voice), Genshin Impact, and more. I do this for free, but I'd like to actually be able to play the game, just in case it's a paid game. If you'd like to hear some examples and such, you can DM me on Discord. I am usually available. My Discord: Bonekiller99#1732

I am interested! I am in need of sprites for my project. You can contact me via my discord: Bonekiller99#1732. Or via my twitter: @josulus19

Oop! Sorry about that. I edited it back in. But it's Bonekiller99#1732

(2 edits)

I am currently making a platformer game but I need something to make it actually a game...SPRITES!!! I'm looking for anyone who can do pretty good 2D art (not pixel art). I am looking to make characters, and tiles for characters to walk on. DM me on Discord with examples of your work: Bonekiller99#1732

P.S. ----- please let me know what you are messaging about because I have many other DM's from unrelated subjects!

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Hello! I am a voice actor. I am looking for anybody in need of one. DM me on discord and I can show you a few examples. Some of the voices I can do:

Venom (Tom Hardy voice)   --- I can do pretty well

Childe (Genshin Impact) --- Sounds really close to it.

Baldi (Baldi's basics) --- Really close to the same.

And some made up voices.

My discord: Bonekiller99#1732

Great, thanks!

I am making a horror game and I am in desperate need of a programmer. I've been told by 2 people now that they would help me but have been lied to. So if you ACTUALLY want to help, you can't contact me on discord (Bonekiller99#1732) and I will give you more information if you're willing to help.

Hi! I am looking for someone who can finish up some code for me in my horror game I'm making with Godot. I have it so the enemy searches different rooms for the player, but I want him to look at where he's going among other things. I have reopened this because former programmer was too lazy. You can contact me on discord: Bonekiller99#1732

Hello. I am looking for someone who can make the music for my game. It is a horror game so I want some spooky ambient music. Contact me on discord if you're interested: Bonekiller99#1732

Okay, cool!

Hi! I am looking for someone who can finish up some code for me in my horror game I'm making with Godot. I have it so the enemy searches different rooms for the player, but I want him to look at where he's going among other things. You can contact me on discord: Bonekiller99#1732

My discord is Bonekiller99#1732

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I wouldn't mind helping. I'll attach a creature I just randomly made so you have a visual and you can tell me what type of things you're looking for. 

I'm trying to make a horror game in the Godot Engine where there's an enemy that searches random rooms for the player, chases the player once in sight, and jumpscares the player once in range. I've asked for help on the Godot Discord, but they aren't helpful at all. So if anyone is willing to help that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!