I think this is the great start. I cant seem to get back up after falling, but otherwise the controls are actually quite nice to use.
Maybe some more objects/background hints, or maybe talking npc characters would make the story more clear.
I love how much is conveyed with so little context. This is a story that's very easy to get lost in, and I feel like I want to see even more of the universe. I love how much decisions matter.
The art is also lovely, I love how the most gruesome thing that happens is seen completely from the outside leaving it to your imagination.
This was so charming, both in concept and execution.
I love how the descriptions of things sound like descriptions an actual cat would use, like referring to a tangle of circuitry as something that would "make a ball of yarn proud".
I also like how concise the reading segments were, it felt very engaging.
The writing is incredibly strong here. The descriptions of dreams fit so well, it really does feel like how dreams are in real life.
Using dreams as a way to explore someone's psyche and lived experience is something I really like here, and I think this concept is done specifically when in this game. I love the way the beginning foreshadows the later revelations.
The music and color choice is also very strong.
Fantastic job!
Love the goofiness of it (especially after seeing the initial pitch).
Being able to actually move around the space was a great little piece of interactivity. There were some glitches and typos here and there, but I could still tell what was going on.
I loved the little details in the game, things like being able to try to do homework, and I also loved the cutscene of the monster revealing itself.
I found this story very interesting. I ended up seeing a god in my dreams and later on, tried my best to help people in a tough situation by writing words. The word writing situation was wonderful, I really felt like my words made both a physical difference as well as a symbolic one.
The writing in this was clear and colorful, I especially liked the line "you do not get to choose who dines with Death."