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Bonesy Rather

A member registered Jun 02, 2016

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Really creepy as fuck, man. Would love to see it expanded because i cant get past the image with the radio station thing and such

Sburbstuck 2-3D community · Created a new topic Well.

Seeing as this is the first Homestuck thing ive seen on this website, youve got a lot on your shoulders, friend. I'd recommend expanding this. A lot. Very much a lot. Youve made this, and it shows you can do it. Make us proud, man.

Really the only problems i've seen are Alex's design, which while creative is kinda lackluster and the shortness of it once you get kinda good. I think this scares people because the situation seems real so making a more "realistic" Alex would do good. That doesn't mean you have to get rid of the idea of the drawing worlds though. I'd love to help out with ideas.

Firstly, i want to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. I still haven't beaten it, mostly because I probably don't call Alex enough.I would LOVE to see this expanded, maybe as a survive the night type thing. Thanks for making this!