i see there is like a bug or glitch where if you change the resolution of the game; save it; close the game and restart it, the default costum goes back and when you go back to change it changes to your saved one
Bonleny Wof
Recent community posts
Understandeable. Just a bonus topic, i don't know if it's a bug or a mechanic where when you have almost full the corruption bar, and when the twin sucubi catch you up, it will not appear the bar to dodge her binding attack, and i love that way bc it gives that you have to be cautious in some levels with some enemies so you don't lose the game.
I can see this game shine in some groups of people for having a "unique" taste (including me) and comparing it with the earlier version on newgrounds, i can see that the gameplays is improving and addapting so it can be balaced to be a experience.
Keep doing the good work and GOOD BLEESS THE TRAP ELF
Well, i think with the view from the development blog i can see the differences between patron, public and steam version, but then again as long as the main objective is on, i can definitly say that this game deserves to be on my radar; unlucky since i don't know how patreon works and i feel really doubtful of this site at least right now, so i guess my only way to help is buying the steam version.
I can see how the history can follow certain paths depending in your decisions and how you approuch them, and i'm interested in how the history is going to be in the final product.
I can see that there are many comments about some bugs that appered to be the same from certains people, but i can that in some cases, many people may be playing the game on some computers outside of the minumin requirements (including me) but then ii have a positive mind that in the future the game will be work around some computers and have the chance to be smooth as posible.
Keep doing the good work and have a beautiful day for everyone on your team