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A member registered Nov 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really liked the game! The graphics look nice and the gameplay is fun.

I like the concept of the game. The art is a bit rough and there isn't a lot of content, but it's still pretty fun.

Really liked the game, some levels were a bit unfair because either you couldn't fully see the layout or an enemy attacked you right at the start, but I still generally enjoyed the gameplay. It requires a bit more polish for a finished game but it's still a really good submission.

Oh, sorry, I didn't notice there are additional controls to change the seasons at the bottom of the page, they should probably be higher. Gonna edit my review.

(3 edits)

Pretty good game, liked the gameplay and the art is nice, it's a bit unclear how you can change seasons, so I thought they change after a certain amount of days.

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