good way of telling ourselves we're not enjoying a story of sex trafficking and rape lol
Recent community posts
*spoilers for latest ch*
When Yuichi thought to himself "the teachers surprisingly handsome like this" and then internally paniked I wonder what that was about. This is the first time we see him intresetd in a character outside of the dateable 4. WOTB does a great job at putting in foreshadowing like the "one step at a time" quote in the last day, so I got really worried thinking he might date the teacher instead or the teacher might do something really bad. At the same time it could have just been forshadowing to the teacher being gay, am I reading into this line too much? Why would the author put such a out of place thought if it wasnt significant to the story? Im preparing for the worst, what do you guys think?
Dude whats your problem, you try your best at reading? All you do is comment on games that look like child porn , and you still have the audacity to compare your ability to read to the authors health? I'm sorry but your spinal injury is irrelavent, nobody asked nor cared. Leave this poor man to recover, writing takes time :(