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A member registered Jan 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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I’ve been playing Loop Hero a lot recently, so it probably inspired me! I was definitely going for a deck building Space Invaders though!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! My main goal was to make a fun gameplay loop. 

Thank you so much!!! Congrats on #2 and many #1s!!

Thank you so much!! You should have seen how quickly I was pumping out those pixel art assets in photoshop! There is definitely a real learning curve to knowing what all the enemies exactly do and which laser blasts you can take. 

The boss may have had 1000hp... There is definitely a massive difficulty increase going into the boss battle. I’ve only beaten the game once and I think you need GTG Gun Mk.X with battery dump and cell to get an infinite damage generator. I also had shield dump and a second battery dump. Also Zap Canon is a viable weapon. 

Thank you for playing it!! I’ll have to check out your game. Yes I wanted to add some sort of tutorial system that taught how all the mechanics worked but I ran out of time. Oh well 

I beat the game. It was amazing. Probably the best game jam game I have played.