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A member registered Feb 21, 2018

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Very creative scenario. I love your use of music. Like the jumpscare sound/music that plays when *spoiler*.

Would a zip file option be possible. The launcher is really smooth but I always extract the zip files into a size-themed folder away from all my normal games. ^_^

Look for a hut without a door. Your clue is in there.

Looks great! =)

Nice update! 

The rope update was handled really well! Love how they're in the red wall-mounted boxes. I like the truck/flare event you added to highway to sneak past the new giantess. And of course thanks for adding the warning before a car flies down and crushes you. Good on you for adding one option for GT lovers as well. I'm going to guess coins are going to be used to unlock things later on, which is why you get so many for beating a scenario and why they pass on to other mini-games?

Suggestions for Highway:

  • If the warning marker in the highway level is not a placeholder graphic, i'd make it a calmer color as the bright pink warning can be blinding when you're standing inside of it.
  •  I didn't realize the flare was the only way past the new fist-smashing gts until she killed me once. I thought she was just a prop that didn't move outside of the opening cutscene. Perhaps have her lift her hand up or look towards the player when they get close. This will warn the player that she sees them and will probably kill them if you keep walking. Walking backwards can reset her back to her normal pose.
  • Lastly, there's a big empty eventless area between the fist-crushing giantess and the glowing cube.  I'd add 1 more event to highway right there and then I'd say the scenario is perfect. Maybe that really big giantess who breaks the bridge at the start comes back? Or the one with the helicopter shining a spotlight on her starts moving. Anything to give it that climactic ending/final boss-moment right before you barely escape.
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Daz3d uses "transparency maps" to cause transparency. All eyelash texture files have a "transparency map" associated with them. These maps are black and white image files that tell Daz3d what part of the eyelash needs to be transparent. All the areas marked in black on the transparency maps will appear transparent in Daz3d. 

Unity uses PNG transparency, so just open the eyelash texture map in Photoshop/Gimp, then place the transparency file on a layer above it and use it as a guide to cut out the eyelashes. Or just cut the eyelashes out manually with the transparency map as a guide. You can also do this to hair and clothing that have transparency and etc.

If you don't have Gimp/Photoshop you can try using this old eyelash texture file. It's not perfect but it should work on most current Daz models. 


Someone on giantesscity forums said there's a chase scene during the last section through the city, but it might not be triggering.

Anytime! I took a few game development classes in college and we had to bug test other classmate's games. Fun stuff. I totally get what yet going through!

Hey I sent you a small token of appreciation. This game has some good ground work and I hope to see it receive polish in the future. 

I've worked with Daz models in unity. If you ever need help with things like fixing their eyelashes, let me know! You can do a quick thing in Photoshop/Gimp to give them transparency.

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Does the final part of the city have any gts aspects to it? 

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I love the lighting in this level. And the explosions and fire and cinematic way the giantess rises up from the fire at the start was really impressive. I also like how the scale of the girls varies in this mode. I don't know if that was intentional, but some look way bigger than others and I'm quite partial to multi-sized scenarios!

Here are some suggestions regarding this particular level: 

1. Games typically give warnings before something deadly comes your way. Try making a warning sound and visual cue/marker (like an arrow or circle on the ground) that tells you when one of those random cars is going to come smashing down from the sky. It'll feel less random and frustrating to the player when they die to one.

2. The ropes are very hard to see and the player has no idea what they look like. Perhaps give them a small glow around them so players can see them. And place one right in front of where you exit the car. This will show players what they're looking for. I would also add more than 5 ropes. You can't see over the center highway-barrier, so it's very easy to walk right by a rope. You should have at least 7-8 ropes in total in case a player misses one. Having to turn around and go back to find ropes you missed can ruin the feeling of urgency/danger.

3. The rope count doesn't diminish if you restart the level. I can collect 3, die, and then restart and the counter still says 3/5 ropes. Might want to fix that!