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A member registered Apr 06, 2024

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I wish You good health.

Now I'm after wedding and everyday is the same (statitics in Zoe 61) - almost nothing change day after day. No more pegging. BTW. I don't have unlocked some things durring "wedding" - it's a bug or just I don't make something?

Is possible to add more items for Zoe - for example high leather boots, leather coats etc., so Zoe can look everyday as Dominatrix?

And I love it C8 :)

And sometimes in Windows version are bugs - sometimes is Diana, sometimes is Kate or Kate in cirilic.

True. I don't like end very much. IMO ending should be different, cause it's too brutal and harsh.

I bought with no problem and like it this game (few things in game not, but generaly is awsome). For example action in club - expected that will happened, but developed history with Maria outfit - shocked in positive way. Or party in Mayor house :) Fantastic :D

Cuckolding is awsome theme :)

How use subs-action in message? I can't use actions like cuckolding or whatevever (option NTR is on)

I'm after 7th Chapter... Story is getting interesting, can't wait for 8th :)

Music is fantastic, models (for example Lydia - remind me some actress from Hollyguano) and story - keep going.