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A member registered Apr 10, 2022

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just did quite a few more runs trying to force a weapon win with every character, mostly reporter for the rerolls, and every time the farthest id get is the first wheelchair mind control guy and die, the weapons only target guys you are looking at and that tends to lead to some real problems and the guns target the strawman, maybe increasing their targeting arc would help alleviate some of the pressure, force shove and slap so far have been a guaranteed win most runs, and as long as you grab at least shove the other powers work great as the shove keeps enemies away long enough for the weapons to refresh, exoskeleton could use an extra block each level as so far it only blocks a single attack at all levels, the extra shove on explosion doesn't proc sometimes, and debris shield can cause some character physics to break and trap you in a chair, which was hilarious, hope some of this helps. loving it so far ^__^

beating it first or second run doesnt mean its easy, it means you got a good build, not everyone is so lucky, i beat often when using certain skills, and instantly die while using others, so theres no need to insult people who are struggling.
i think an endless mode would be fun when more skills or skill evolutions are added in, like an extra arms power that auto punches close enemies, and a custom starting ability character could be fun as well 

if you grab force push, slap, and impale with four range increases, i find it makes him a bit easier, though the long stun after return from his shadow relm is a bit on the long side and has ended too many runs with no ability to defend against it, could use a bit of a nerf

until you get mobbed while they are on cooldown, ive been playing a while, and when ive tried different builds for the fun of it, the physics tend to be a hindrance, getting stuck on debris while hilarious most of the time, tends to end none AoE runs intantly, unless your playing specific characters, im not saying it needs to made easier, just some balance tweeks here and there, a player shouldnt be shoehorned into picking specific characters or abilities to succeed.

ive been playing nerolink and i gotta say, it is really fun, some things need some tweeking, like i have yet to able to beat a run with out forcepush, ive tried doing all weapon run with saws and gun and such, but everytime i get mobbed and die, maybe have an upgrade to increase fire rate or the number of projectiles for some skills? and the CEOs briefcase getting stuck on objects has gotten me killed quite a few times xD, do you have a blogpost or roadmap for your plans on the game? 

(2 edits)

Enemy poison and burn is far too strong, you should add ways to deal with it besides the one potion that purges debuffs and the rare stone that removes 1 stack per attack, it also feels like if you don't go cleavers or bow you can't win, which is a shame cuz this a unique game that I want to see grow. I think if you make the snakes poison an attack it would balance it out, plus it would make sense as snakes bite to inject venom.