you have to find the scanner first!
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Uh oh! I hope that bug you found doesn’t bite EMUUROM at any point.
I’ve encountered a few bugs in TIC-80, but nothing game-breaking, really. Mostly they’ve been behaviour of some editor or an API function changing in a newer version of the engine. I’ve reported the issues, and most have been accounted for.
A core problem in the development process seems to be that changes to the codebase are applied without rigorous testing. E.g., right now, a recently applied update to Lua version 5.4 has broken compatibility with some carts, and many hope it will be reverted soon… Oops!
(Naturally, this is only a problem in the master branch version. I’m perfectly content with the version of TIC-80 I’m using, 1.1!)
EMUUROM will be released on Steam, yes! Wishlist the game to support development :>
Maybe this one! (Warning, contains demo spoilers!)
I tried to replicate your bug as well, but couldn't get it to happen. I may need to research it further...
Yeah, I knew about the scan skip, but good call - it's too easy to do accidentally. I made it more precise, so it's something you can still do but not as easily! This change will be included in the next demo update.
Thanks for the long comment! :> It already made the game better.