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A member registered Nov 23, 2019

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You would have to pay. Since it is on Steam it has to price match on anywhere it is posted. Does that help?

Enjoyed the game so far . Keep up the great work.

Yeah mine just started in the past couple days.

(1 edit)

Iris is through Liza story line and Susan can be if you talk to her whenever you get the chance before the trip

I have been playing this game for nearly a month now and have enjoyed every play through as I have changed the narrative just by a single choice in the line. All would be impossible if not for your hard work in building and writing this very high quality game. I look forward to whatever you put out next.

Yeah you can get all four but if your really good there are more to be had. The next installment is due in December if I read correctly in a post but it will be the last for now as the author would like to broaden their scope a bit.