Thx for that fast reply. Played all other levels, was much fun. Cool idea.
Recent community posts
With not much defense, the first waves come too soon and are too strong.
By sacrificing some planet health, it's easy to set up basic defense. Once that is present, it's easy to put up all 12 shields and build the 60 missiles. At that point, there is nothing more to do. Pretty unbalanced.
Why don't the shields regenerate (they only regenerate after being completely down, they should regenerate over time without the need to first fail completely).
My suggestions:
* Cheaper weapons at the start
* Different shield tiers (lower tiers much cheaper but easier to break)
* Shields could use planet's energy to regenerate
* weaker and fewer enemies at start, later waves can be more powerful
* Add the missing wave counter
* Hotkeys to select buildings, current UI design forces tedious mouse movement back and forth.
Some improvements I'd like to see:
* Please fix the typo in the description "Trees is space is an incremental strategy game ..."
* Release more often. According to your trello page, some issues have been fixed some days ago now, releasing those would allow us to actually benefit from those.
User interface improvement in planet view:
* Highlight the selected location tree.
User interface improvement in game:
* The green color of the objectives bar is indistinquishible from the green grass color. Better change that color to maybe blue or yellow or whatever, maybe even keep it green but change the hue.
* When building a greenhouse I'd like to see the radius of a) the greenhouse I am about to build, b) the radia of the greenhouses that are already there c) the radia of the greenhouses that I already ordered to build or which are in the process of being built right now and d) the radia of the greenhouses that could be placed on empty building places.
* After commanding a construction, the building should be visible (transparency or some extra construction site graphic).
* Then hovering over a construction slot, maybe highlight it if something can be built there.
* When clicking a construction slot to build something there, do not open a window but either a) just show the possible buildings to build in a circle around that slot or b) change the leftmost bot building menu to a building building menu. Also: Clicking again should de-select that building slot.
Change in game play mechanics:
* The Planter bot should prioritize where to plant new trees: a) trunks that can never be reached by greenhouses (even those which would have to be built yet), b) trunks that have no greenhouses in range (but where an empty building slot exists so one could still be built) c) all other trunks (i.e. which could also be plant by greenhouses). In case of c), further prioritizing of trees, that can only be planed by a single greenhouse, etc. or trees that can be planet only by greenhouses, which have many other trees to plant could also help, but I admit, that would be much harder to implement.
* Generally for all bots: Make better unit selection (take nearest free unit).
* Hauler bot: Do not only reserve one object to pick up but instead plan whole tour of hauler from it's current location, taking up all objects it's meant to pick up and then carry it back to the stockpile in advance (this will reduce big armies of haulers running across the map all the time). Once the last object was picked up, the hauler can re-plan to pick up more stuff instead of returning to a stockpile, but there should be some threshold, like: Say the filling rate of the hauler's capacity is 70%, then the hauler is only allowed to move 30% (100%-70%) of the length of the path back to the nearest stockpile to new objects to pick up instead. (I.e. if it is statistically "cheaper" to return to stockpile and then get the new objects, then return to stockpile).
* Allow pulling down buildings, maybe with recovery of some ressources, but most importantly, I want to get back that building slot.
* If you add pulling down buildings, then maybe also allow selling/recycling of bots or changing their kind.
* Allow multi-purpose bots (maybe using upgrades). Like "Allow Fruit Picker Bots to help haulers by carrying objects when they have nothing else to do". Upgrade levels can be like (be 25% 50% 75% as efficient as Hauler Bots) or something like that.
* Add new upgrades "start a map with n Fruit Picker bots" (for all bot types). Or have the height of the upgrade tree determine the number of bots to start with.
Due to the spoilering nature of this reply, I'll rot13 it, decode using
Gur uneq cneg gb haqrefgnaq vf, gung gur bayl cvrpr va gur tnzr vfa'g gur bar gb qb nalguvat jvgu. Vafgrnq, lbh unir gb gnxr gung hfre vagresnpr ryrzrag ba gur evtug naq zbir vg yvxr n cvrpr vagb gur cynlvat svryq. V.r. gur ceboyrz vf, vg'f rnfl gb zvff, gung guvf rkgen cvrpr npghnyyl vf n cvrpr. Va nyy bgure yriryf, vg orpbzrf pyrne vzzrqvngryl, orpnhfr gurer vf abguvat ryfr gung pna or qbar, ohg va 2/22 V qvqa'g trg gung.
Naq pbaarpgrq jvgu guvf vf gur oht, ol zbivat nebhaq gung cvrpr ntnva naq ntnva, ng fbzr cbvagf, gur cvrpr whfg trgf oebxra. V fhttrfg lbh whfg gel vg lbhefrys, chg lbhefrys va gung zvaqfrg, lbh qba'g xabj jung gb qb naq whfg gel rirelguvat jvgu gung cer-cynprq cvrpr.
The first level (2/22) is really REALLY hard. It felt like half an hour until I gave up. I skipped to second level (4/22) which was child's play. Anyone stuck @ 2/22 I recommend skipping to 4/22, solve that, go back to 2/22 and use your newly gained experience.
BTW: There is a bug. Since I was suck that long at 2/22, I managed to "destroy" the trinomino splitting it in two (once even three) separate parts. You might want to look into it.
Yea, also stuck. Maybe we shouldn't have killed all those innocent citizens. Bad karma ...
/edit: Figured it out - no bug.
(use to decrypt).
Tip 1: Lbh pna fgrny vqf ...
Tip 2: Guvf vf gehr rfcrpvnyyl sbe cynarf, juvpu pna syl ...
Tip 3: Naq lbh pna erybnq gb trg vg onpx vs lbh nyernql unir xvyyrq vg.