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A member registered Oct 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Minden a játékhoz custom made, valamint az egész projekt open source és oktatásra lett készítve.
Ha zavar a 60fps lock, letudod szedni a játék filejait a githubomról és kitudod szedni minimális hozzáértéssel. 😁

Bruh alig van valami a játékban, hogy nem bírja el 😭


Thanks for playing! And sorry for the nightmares. 🗿

We're very sorry to hear this. We hope you'll be reunited soon.

It might look a bit too zoomed in because of resolution differences. Other than that, the game is intended to look zoomed in as we have not touched the FOV settings.

Good job! Thanks for playing!

Hello! In which version does this occur in and what is your device / specs?

(1 edit)

Yeah this definitely is an issue we've never seen before. May I ask what device you were using and what software is running on it? (Android wise)

Thanks for playing!

Hello! Glad to hear the issues you ran into were quite minimal (Although the files breaking does sound quite substantial we're glad it was fixed by an easy restart). It would seem that you have gotten all 4 endings then, congratulations! 

To break down the AI of Ben a little bit, it is COMEPLETELY dependent on luck. After angering him, there's an around 70% chance that he will spawn with every file transfer you do. After he spawns in one of the vents, he will hang around for about 15-20 seconds, then go away and send a virus onto the main terminal. If you do notice him however, you scare him away, thus preventing the virus. I hope this clears some things up. :)

Yes it does!

Thanks for playing!

Hello again! We've looked into the issue and it seems to us, that the Pixel 7 pro apparently locked their phone to only be able to run 64-bit applications? Anyways, our game is packaged in 32-bits which is the reason why this issue persists. I'd suggest giving the game a shot on a computer. Sorry for the incovenience!

Hi! Sorry to hear you're unable to play the game. Does this error message show up when trying to install the .apk file?

Thanks for playing! Great and entertaining video!

Hello! In which version of the game does this issue occur in? Also what is your screen's resolution?

Thank you for playing! The 4 endings conclude. (will make this a long comment so if someone doesn't want them to be spoiled they can just choose not to open up the rest.)

  • beating the game while angering Ben
  • beating the game while NOT angering Ben
  • spamming the interact on the exit door
  • letting the virus get you and dying

That... is quite weird? None of us can replicate the issue present on your screenshot sadly.

We're just as confused as you are, which version of the game is this? 

Thanks for playing and posting content about our game!

Thanks! :D

Thanks for playing! We love seeing content of our small projects. :)

Yes, we were able to recreate the issue, thank you for the report. The team is working on getting a separate post-jam version out that completely fixes this issue. It should only take a small amount of time. Will definitely be done by tomorrow morning! 

Thanks! :)

Thanks for playing! Checking out the vents during copying was our plan, but the vents ended up being too scattered around sadly. Thanks for the feedback! There is a post-jam separate version coming with a bunch of fixes and QOL changes!

(1 edit)

Hello! Thank you for playing! We're sorry to hear you couldn't progress due to a game breaking issue. A post-jam update is on its way. Although we're not yet sure what the cause of the issue is, we will do extensive testing to ensure that the game won't be left in this state. Thank you for reporting! 

Could you perhaps give us a description in how we could recreate the aforementioned issue?

Thanks for playing! Sadly the video is private :/

 Bummer I wanted to see the reactions! 


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Yup, ez nem lesz javítva mivel egy jam játék, de tudunk róla.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad to hear the atmosphere worked out and you had a good time! 

Thank you for being a tester! <3


Köszi! 😁

Jelszavas a file.

A win7  2023. január 10.-e óta nem támogatott.

A c1 piros fázisáról amit írtál az egy az egyben hamis. Arra van kódolva hogy ha ránézel egyszer és utána nem foglalkozol vele akkor automatikusan elmegy. Az irányítással, hogy nálad az esetek nagyrészében a flashlightot érzékeli eddig senki másnak nem volt problémája. Próbáld meg jobban a képernyő szélét nyomni, nem olyan nagy a flashlight hitboxa hogy ne lehessen nélküle fordulni.

Igen. Villogtatni kell a lámpádat.

Valszeg fogok rakni valami olyasmit mint ami a fnaf 4-ben van hogy az elején kimutatja hogy bizonyos területek mit csinálnak. Köszi szépen!