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A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is great! It's very developped for a quick game jam, with all the items, settings, bosses and stuff. The difficulty setting is a great addition. It can get very challenging, I like it!

Very good submission. Only issue I got was that sometimes the red christmas gifts spawned or got teleported right on me, but other than that, it's alot of fun. It gets challenging after a while, I like it alot!

For a first FPS, the basics are pretty good. The snowball launcher worked very well. And the graphics are really high quality, I'm impressed.

This is a good prototype. One thing that made it a little bit less entertaining was the speed of the character. Getting from one guy to the other took a bit too long for my taste. Simply adding a run button to increase the speed would do wonder.

For a short GameJam like this, this is a wonderful idea. The music and sounds were really good and fit the whole vibe really well. I couldn't find credits so I don't know if you made everything yourself but if so, hats off to you. It's very well done.

There were a few gameplay quirks, but overall I'm very impressed