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A member registered Sep 18, 2020

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I had a lot of fun with this. It's fun, short, has some spooky moments but I also enjoyed making fun of the character a bit. Nice visuals, no screaming jumpscares,and it lasted the right amount. Nice work, keep it up!

Surprisingly fun! I wasn't sure with the character models at first glance but you managed to make an excellent, tense, and really nice little horror game. Good mix of tension, humor, and general spookiness. Keep up the great work!

This was pretty damn good! There's a little bit of a problem with the invisible walls, but otherwise, excellent little game. Creepy, excellent atmosphere, good monster design, and overall just a blast to play. Keep up the amazing work!

This was excellent, awesome job by the devs! I had a blast playing it; it's spooky, short but very well done. The only real complaint is the lack of checkpoints but really, it's only like 5-6 minutes to get back to where I died, so it wasn't a huge deal.

Keep it up, this team knows what it's doing. I would love a longer version of this game, and a lot more added to it. Solid 8.5-9/10 experience!

Not a bad little game. When this game worked out, it was excellent. Loved a lot of it, and had a real blast.

There's two areas that I think need....serious rework. The jumping puzzle with the electricity, and the final boss fight. Those were both insanely frustrating and accounted for over an hour cut from the final video because they just had to be tried over and over again, and those two being so frustrating dragged a solid 9/10 game down to...probably a 7/10, on average.

You have a really solid grasp of what makes games work, I enjoyed the puzzles, and there's a ton of excellence here. Get rid of the one-hit-kill stuff, rework a few areas, and you could end up being incredibly successful!

This was incredibly fun, great job. Loved the sheer silliness, the plot twist, the mechanics. This is a great example of a little conceptual indie horror game that does exactly what it wants to do and does it extremely well. Great job, can't wait to see what you do next!

Excellent job with this. Great atmosphere, good spooky moments, and it's the perfect length for what you set out to do. I loved it, can't wait to see the next installment!

Nocte Ludus community · Created a new topic Nice job!

This was a surprisingly fun little game. It's short, to the point, and had some nice spooky moments. Loved the dread when the power went out, and the little poster changing was surprisingly good at making me just a hair more nervous. Keep up the excellent work!

This was a great little experience, nice job! Nice atmosphere, solid player controls, short enough to be tolerable without being too simplistic. I had a blast playing this, you should be proud. Keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

I had far more fun than I expected with this game. The camera mechanics were engaging, the monster managed to pull off a couple of good scares, and I loved how the world was being built up. Congratulations on stumping me too, I never figured out the secret ending; I'll have to go back in when I have more time to try and find it. Thanks a million for allowing us to turn off pixellation and color correction too, that was a huge help. Keep up the phenomenal work!

(2 edits)

Amazing job here; you've somehow totally snagged my imagination, and I loved every second of it. The creepy atmosphere, fairly unique enemies, the simplicity, the excellent gun handling, it all just adds up to an excellent experience. Solid 9.5/10, and the half is really just the color correction. I cannot wait to see the full game, keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

This was pretty neat. It's short, sweet, runs decently well (aside from some chugging outdoors) and it had a nice couple of spooky moments. I was pretty on edge here, looking forward to seeing the full game when it comes out! Keep up the great work!

Not a bad little game. It's kinda silly in a funny way, and it did have some good tensions. For a short indie horror, I had a fun time. Nice work, keep it up, keep expanding your skills, and I think you could make some amazing games down the road!

Another fun little game! I enjoyed the spooky atmosphere, and it definitely had some nice exploration and creepiness to it. Great work on this one, keep it up!

This was a blast, I loved the little trick you play on the player with the design. Amazing job, you have a real talent for game dev. Keep up the great work!

I had an absolute blast with this game; phenomenal execution, atmosphere and story. You have a really special thing going here, I'm excited to see the full release. Keep up the amazing work!

This was an absolute blast. The jumpscares maybe were a little unnecessary because the atmosphere kept be on edge enough but I loved playing this game; excellent use of tension, a creepy enemy, and overall just a great experience. Keep it up, you have a real talent for game dev!

I have no clue how you managed to absolutely nail the feeling of being alone in the middle of nowhere, but god damn is this a great horror game. This hits the perfect feeling of being stranded somewhere and all you can do is hope someone helps.

Phenomenal job, can't wait to see what you make next!

This was an absolute blast to play. Loved the tension, the slightly silly animation of the characters, and overall I just loved every second of it. Can't wait to enjoy Act 2, you have a real talent for game dev. Keep up the great work!

This was surprisingly creepy and quite intriguing to play! I had a lot of fun being tense, the fishing was challenging but not too frustrating, and I did enjoy it. Good length of time and definitely worth playing.

Keep up the good work, hope you guys keep on making games!

This was pretty fun. Loved the atmosphere, the feeling of dread. I had no idea about the creepypasta, so this was completely blind; nice job on this. Keep up the great work!

This was a blast to play through. Short, sweeti, well done; I enjoyed the heck out of the horror elements, the tension. It was just a solid, well done game, with a lot of thought put into it.
If I had one thing to request I'd like a way to turn off or down the shader. In my opinion, it makes the game look worse, but that's 100% personal taste.
Keep up the amazing work, you have a real skill here for game developer. Can't wait to see what you do next!

I am pretty amazed at how good this was. The puzzles were great, nice atmosphere, overall just a really solid experience.

I did struggle a bit at the start because I missed the lighter, and the controls/movement scheme were a bit tough sometimes.

But that really didn't detract too much from my enjoyment. I had a blast and I hope you keep it up, you have a real talent for this!

This was pretty fun! Surprisingly enjoyable little game, a bit spooky, nice visuals, some fun moments. Great job, hope you keep up at game dev!

This was pretty fun, nice job. It was short, atmospheric, managed a couple of good scares and I liked how tense it felt going around.

Your team should be proud. Great work, keep it up, can't wait to see what you guys do in the future!

I had a heck of a lot of fun here. Surprisingly good atmosphere, the VHS filter didn't feel too overdone, and I was on edge the whole time. Thanks for not dumping in ridiculously over the top jumpscares too.

Can't wait to play the full game!

This was excellent. Loved the creepy vibes, how sinister the moon is, and how great the overall mood was. Hope you keep on making games, amazing job!

A surprisingly fun little experience. I loved being able to quickly reset back to the start for new endings, and there was enough variety to make me think about the process.

If I had one thing I'd like to have seen, it would've been nice to have a way to check what ones the player had already done in the main menu.

Other than that, excellent work. Keep it up, and I can't wait to see what you make next!

Excellent work here, I can't believe how great this was. The amazing atmosphere kept me on the edge the whole time, there's a lot of excellent subtle horror this. I'd love to see an expanded game about this, showing the horrors of the orphanage at work. I hope you guys keep up this project, you did a solid 9.5/10 here. Phenomenal job!

(1 edit)

A surprisingly fun little experience. I loved being able to quickly reset back to the start for new endings, and there was enough variety to make me think about the process.

If I had one thing I'd like to have seen, it would've been nice to have a way to check what ones the player had already done in the main menu.

Other than that, excellent work. Keep it up, and I can't wait to see what you make next!

Another fun experience, great job Niven! Tense but interesting, short enough to easily replay, and a little bit of humor thrown in too. Glad to see you're continuing to expand what you're trying to make. Keep it up, you've given me a huge backlog to try out!

Phenomenal job with this one! This nailed the tension and atmosphere, I loved being able to turn off the bodycam effect, the NPCs were each worth talking to but didn't take up too much of the players time, and I spent the finale at the edge of my seat. Knocked it out of the park with this game, can't wait to see what you do next.

Keep up the amazing work!

Loved every second of this. Amazing tension and atmosphere, a very nice use of low poly without that PSX filter or VHS effect wrecking it, you had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

Only real feedback I have: at a certain point, I clipped through a door underground and fell through the world; easy fix with hitboxes. As well, the flashlight might benefit from a little widening. That, or maybe giving the light some reflection/glow around the edges to help. It's pretty dark otherwise.

Can't wait to see what you do next, you have a real knack for horror games. 9.5/10, you've earned it!

Nice work! This was fun, short, and had a good balance of mechanic and spooky times. Lasted just long enough to justify itself too.
Keep up the great work, can't wait to see what you make next!

Excellent job. Great atmosphere, solid controls and framerate, it's just a solid experience all around. Can't wait for the next part!

This was surprisingly fun! There's a nice variety to the enemies, it's short enough to be fun without being aggravating, and it has a solid atmosphere.

There's a couple of things I'd look at for QoL updates and general bugfixes.
- The player getting stuck on things while moving, or getting wedged into walls if you sprint so you have to jump to escape, is really frustrating in some sections.
- In the mining site with the blue enemy, I somehow broke the game and the escape door collapsed with me on the wrong side of the fence.
- If you hit "Continue Game", it clears your to-do checklist.

All of these are pretty minor issues (mostly), but overall this was a ton of fun. Great job, keep it up, and I can't wait to see what you make next!

Nice job! Short, sweet, to the point, good atmosphere and some nice spooks.

The only real "complaint" I think anyone could make is that the intro is maybe like...a minute too long, which feels really petty for a game that's 10 minutes, so not really worth noting. That and the audio cues for the...."events", let's say, are a bit loud.

Nice work, keep it up, and can't wait to check out some of your other games!

Nice work! Fun, short and sweet little game. Didn't have needless jumpscares, it was just a solid, creepy game. I'm normally not a big PSX filter fan either, but it felt like it worked in this one.

Keep up the great work and can't wait to see what you make next!

Not a bad little game! I encountered some serious chugging issues, especially near the start with the gatewhile running the game at 1080p, but it's a nice concise little horror game. Very indie but a decent showcase of the gamekit.

Nice work on this one! Short, spooky, and pretty fun to go through.
Only feedback I have: It feels like once the monster sees you, it's basically impossible to escape unless you bug out the AI. Not a huge problem since Retry keeps your progress, but it did disincentivize running.
I'd also really like a toggle to turn off the PSX filter; personal taste but I feel like it mostly makes games hard to look at and play. That's just my own taste though, didn't really affect my overall enjoyment of the game.

Keep up the great work and can't wait to see what you make next!