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A member registered Feb 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Dear God,

I entered my name as "SysiwWoOaHh" before knowing what the consequences were. I guffawed at this game, but knew I couldn't play it for long.

Yours Truly,


replays from older patches wont work in newer ones. you can load the old patch to watch older replays.

cool physics! it feels weighty and acrobatic. i think my small amount of climbing experience actually helped with solutions which tells me how well the levels are constructed with the mechanics like the big holds. there were some puzzles where i got cheeky with the physics, but it never felt like i cheated, just an alternate solution hehe. the game is awesome great job.

beautifully done, lost my run to an accidental page back... can't wait for the thing to release proper! please consider a mobile build!

I could've sworn Hofmeier halted development on this project. Has the production continued? That would be great news if so!

my girlfriend and i absolutely adore this game. it’s coerced me into loving the art of typing in a way i never thought possible (frankly i hadn’t noticed it was an art form very clearly before this game). thank you for this lovingly crafted typing application. ive never laughed so hard at an instructional guide before (Moves List namely although not exclusiely).  i cant wait for future updates im really looking forward to the “story” mode in particular. 

one note on the library mode since that’s where i’ve spent the most time; i’m hoping we’ll be able to select the type of keyboard we use while we practice. 

thank you again for your work my girlfriend is hammering away as i type this into my phone.