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Brack Harmon

A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love the fun and quirky theme! The shaders are stellar and the sounds are great!

Sooooo adorable!! :)

Yooo this is really good!! I really like the visuals of the characters and the environment! 

I love this!!! The design is super cute and the crafting mechanic is neat!

Robby do be getting them coins

love the concept, the controls are difficult to use and the sounds are repetitive.

I love the pixel visuals on this snake game ^^

I love it! so simple yet gives out lots of emotion. 

I had a lot of fun playing your game! not sure if i'm doing something wrong but  I don't think there's enough energy to pass the first level

I enjoyed playing your game! I liked the animations and sound effects! I felt the player controls were a bit too sensitive but other than that it's a very solid game. good job!

I really liked your game! It fits well with the theme and has a nice quality to it. Adding some more sounds effects or even animations would make this game even more impressive.

Overall I really liked your game, the graphics and sounds are really nice! I would've liked to see some score or timing features though.

I really liked your game, especially the audio and particle effects! As I played I wished there was a feature that kept track of score. Anyways, good job!