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A member registered Apr 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Had a very fun time!

The games very well made. Had a blast throwing bricks at the enemies. 

Also Bricks rise up!

Loved the idea of the paint scaling mechanic and how it affects everything you do.

Huey's also a cutie.

Really enjoyed tinkering with the puzzles and getting them just right.

Watching the ball slowly roll just to miss the goal was maddening.

Yeah I figured after I  died. It was just a funny surprising moment I had while playing :)

Very fun frantic gameplay. 

I was very confused when I died to a black hole.  

Loved the atmosphere of the game. 

The highscore and stats were bugged for me.

Interesting puzzles requiring each of the three shapes. Was a challenge to get all the stars!

Fun game! wouldve loved to used the scale mechanic more

I liked the part where you click and a potato came out

Game's pretty fun.
I liked your take on the idea of scaling obstacles.

The audio was very loud and no way of changing or muting.
Sometimes the ball would just disappear after leaving the snake.