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A member registered Oct 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry - a family holiday and lots of deadlines with my Masters have got in the way but I appreciate the reminder - it's still on my to-do list and I'll try to bump it up soon!

Great question, it's in the works so hopefully very soon! Glad you want to try the game! 😁

Ah, thank you for noticing - you are 100% correct and I have just uploaded an edited version with the example now reflecting the rule accurately. Thank you for trying the game out and I hope you have fun!

Ah, that's cool - yours obviously looks a million times better but similar vibe maybe haha

Anyway, super happy to support and maybe that nostalgia kick might appeal to others?? Good luck with the game!

Agreed! You’ve probably already seen there’s a Ukraine bundle being put together in the Community section that I think this game might fit perfectly with.

I might be showing my age a little but was this inspired by 'Rockstar Ate My Hamster'? Instantly bought and downloaded this when I saw the resemblance!

This was... fun is maybe the wrong word but found playing this to be such a powerful experience and I think the message in this game is even more essential right now.

Definitely interested to play a longer session of this, in the future, and see how it holds up or could be extended further.

Thank you for making this!

Thank you for making this - we've had fun trying some out but hoping to get into  a library soon to try out - 'Famous international experts'.

In fact, I think I can use it when I'm teaching so even better - not sure how it might work in a large group but there's only one way to find out!

Hey, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this hack and enjoyed combining it with Book It!: The Pro Wrestling Promoter Game by Paul LaPorte which might be a cool combination for others to try if they have both.

It definitely was an interesting experience and makes me want to check out some more related hacks!

Thanks for making this (and 'My Way'!) - I haven't got around to trying 'My Way' but it's on my to-play list.