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Brandon's Gaming

A member registered Dec 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorrow community · Created a new topic is there any?

is there any harem in Sorrow?

Hi drifty it is me again Brandon from Brandon’s Gaming i just wanted to ask is there a Heram Route ending.

ok I findlay got the game i paid for but it took parpal till 4:25am to process my payment, as long as i got the game i’ma Good.

Halo Whiteleaf studio sorry to bother you, this is Brandon i paid $4.00 for your game Dawn of Malice with Paypal i bot it on & it says its Pending & that was an hour ago & its still not on my Account at, so what do i have to verify something to you to get the game or is it just a mixup or what, & Like i Said sorry to bother you but i need to know y its not on my Account yet at

i just wonted to say i got & payed $7.99 for the game Doghouse on & played as the Boy made it to the end of the current Game & i like to ask & know where can i find or get the Exclusive Key.

Any pregnancy or harem.

Hi & Thank You “DriftyGames” for the reply, i am so glad that i don’t have to buy it again, don’t get me wrong i love the game “Leap of Faith” & if i had to buy it again would buy it again, & it’s good to hear that your working with “Steam” for those who already bought Leap of Faith on “Steam” so thanks again “DriftyGames”.

hi “DriftyGames” is there going to be a 8th Chapter of “Leap of Faith” on “itch”, because i got the game on “Steam” but “Leap of Faith” is no longer available on “Steam”, so i like to know if your going to keep developing the “Leap of Faith” on “itch” be for i buy it again.