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A member registered Apr 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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yeah sorry you'll have to wait for a future update before that's available again

you buy it at the beach in the hero era i think

did u unzip the whole thing and make sure the game is in a folder that also has a folder called "www". u need that to save

well u earn em by doing all the different stuff in the game so its kinda like a reward for doing everything and i guess longterm it also kinda sorta helps space stuff out for the different characters since they have to wait for updates for new content anyway

but really its mostly just that i suck and dont know what im doing yeah lol

not yet sorry im still adding them in

sorry homie cant really work on it until my sprite artist makes the sprites

mm i dont know any myself but maybe ill look into it thx homie

yeh i have a guide thingie here

also yeh im still working on adding the old scene replays theyre not all ready yet sorry

(1 edit)

oh yeah i did add a few but i haven't had time to do all of em yet. ill be adding the rest in the next update or two

oh wait nvm i forgot to turn off the disable switch for the hoodlum era choices shit my bad lol so u can't view those yet

not currently but i plan to add it in the future

sorry i gotta wait for the sprite artist to make the sprites its a lotta work

thx homie lol

if u mean the title screen song then its this one here

i havent done anything differently sorry homie but i understand

thx homie ur comment made my day

uh idk what that means sorry

yeah it happens automatically when you talk to her before u can do the date one

and no not yet u just have access to it later when it gets put into the game

wait what. arent other peeps using their old saves. i thought u can just replace the old game file with the new one and continue with ur old save right

yeah sorry ill try and fix all that stuff in the next few updates

im not sure what u mean by "a way to start to new contents" tho could u clarify that

yeah im working on a way to rewatch stuff. shooting for the may 18 update for that

idk what that is sorry lol

oh u idk what would cause that or how to fix it sorry

ah sorry ill look into it and fix it for the next update my b homie lol

hm wdym by it cut to a hook up instead cuz she doesnt have one. ill look into it and get it fixed for the next update either way thx homie

and yeah thats the intent i just didnt have enough time to progress either era far enough to let u move between them. itll be added in the next update. sorry lol

yeh i knew it was gonna be messy switchin over to the new format but idk the old way progression and stuff was handled was the biggest critique peeps had so i figured i had to change it ASAP. hopefully i can smooth it out more and going forward everything'll work better

i hadnt thought of bein able to look back at old scenes so ill prolly add that in in a future update

thx homie

thx homie

hm i dont remember if that ever came up so im not really sure what would be causing that im sorry

uh who do u mean

i do have a landlady character planned for a future update but i doubt thats who u meant lol

thx homie i will look into that and try and fix it in the next update

thx homie all that is very helpful. yeah most of that is stuff i do plan to have fixes for in the game it just kinda slipped by me while tryna hustle out the monthly updates and the art and all that. the march update will def have more ways to earn money sorry lol

and potentially getting locked outta the side stuff is also just kinda a dumb issue caused by me putting stuff in the game ur not really intended to necessarily be able to progress just yet since im still making the game up as i go.  kinda just setting stuff up for future updates kinda thing. its my bad its just bad planning and doin stuff on the fly sorry lol. should be fixed in the future

uh im not sure sorry. afaik all u have to do is unzip the game and u can play it. the empty www folder is just there so u can save

yeah its a game where im trying out the whole update it over time thing so theres not a lot in it yet sorry

all the milfs'll get a lot more scenes and stuff as time goes on

uh i think u should be able to but oh maybe if u do the math one first then u cant since mrs mariano leaves after that

therell be another way to do that one in the next update if u happen to miss it here

thx homie im very happy u liked it

uh u cant its just 1.1 i just fucked up cuz im stupid im sorry lol

uh idk how to do that so prolly not sorry lol

uh u talk to the dude outside it during the day then come back at night and meet helena outside it then u can go there in the day again i think

no i didnt think of that actually  theres not a lot in the game yet but maybe in the next update ill try making one

thx homie sorry dat happened

yw homie