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A member registered Oct 21, 2016

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PC specs:

CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9550


GPU: GT 730 (2gbs of GDDR5)

Crash Log:

System.ArgumentException: Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.
   at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ToArray()
   at Hedra.Engine.Rendering.ChunkMesh.BuildFrom(ChunkMeshBuffer MeshBuffer, VertexData Data, Boolean ExtraData)
System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory.
   at System.Drawing.Bitmap.LockBits(Rectangle rect, ImageLockMode flags, PixelFormat format, BitmapData bitmapData)
   at System.Drawing.Bitmap.LockBits(Rectangle rect, ImageLockMode flags, PixelFormat format)
   at Hedra.Engine.Recorder.SaveScreenshot(String Path)
   at Hedra.Engine.Player.MovementManager.OnKeyDown(Object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
   at Hedra.Engine.Events.EventDispatcher.OnKeyDown(Object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
   at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
   at OpenTK.NativeWindow.OnKeyDown(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
   at OpenTK.NativeWindow.OnKeyDownInternal(Object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
   at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
   at OpenTK.Platform.NativeWindowBase.OnKeyDown(Key key, Boolean repeat)
   at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.HandleKeyboard(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
   at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.WindowProcedure(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
   at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Functions.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
   at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.ProcessEvents()
   at OpenTK.NativeWindow.ProcessEvents(Boolean retainEvents)
   at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
   at Hedra.Program.Main(String[] args)

What happened:

Well I was at the village (the one you go to within the first few quests) and I was fight a bandit and some how while fighting it I ended up quite littarly stuck inside of a tree I was unable to get out of it. So I tried to get a screenshot of it so I can report it as a bug (which is anothing thing you should fix, honestly dunno how I got stuck in it I just know I was fighting a bandit near a tree and ended up getting stuck in it by running into it) anyways, So I tried taking a screenshot and the error above this showed up and then the game crashed

(Also I dunno if this is suposed to happen when saving it doesnt save the spot where you were at nor does it save what quests you have completed)

For everyone having trouble downloading.

(2 edits)

You "clip"/ go through the ramps which is a bit weird, they should be solid items. Also you should put a shadow texture for the player character (As of now you only have shadows for items.

Of course there needs to be more thing to do in it but that's a no brainier.

Stuff like:

-Ability to make boats

-Maybe add islands you can go to

-Add different types of fish you can catch

-Maybe have random generator for what type of shark will attack you (IE: Sand Tiger Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Thresher Shark and ETC)

-More plants (Wheat, Corn, and ETC)

-Bigger farm beds

-Crates (Bigger storage)

-Bow and arrow

-possibly of flooding on the raft where the shark can get onto the raft

-Rain/ weather system

as of now that's all I can think about.

Do you guys think any of these would be cool?