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A member registered Sep 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello ExcA community and enjoyers. I'm just a fellow enjoyer who started a little fanfiction about the novel. It's currently about 6k2 words atm and there are some citations which will chop it down to about 6k words in actual content. I'm writing about Spencer so if you're interested, I'll leave the link to the gg doc online file here for you to read. Pay attention to the disclaimers though!

If you have any comments you wanna leave, you can do that directly on the gg file, or reply to my pinned tweet or in my DMs at @HornyPotato710 on twitter!(if you look at the date I started you'll find that it's been a while, I'm sorry I lost the motivation ;w; but I got it back now so I'm picking it up again!)

I may write 500-1200 words a week(snail pace, I know but please spare my ADHD/procrastinating ass) so that's what you can expect.

Remember that I'll listen to your replies and ideas with an open mind, but that does not equate to me implementing every changes you want even if you make a very convincing argument. I appreciate the constructive criticism though, but I'd still like to reserve my right to keep it however I want because it's my fanfiction after all.

Thanks for reading and hope y'all have a good day/evening!

Following your interesting theory, I have some concerns: 

1. In carrying out that recursion, if "freeing the roles" means killing the actor/actress of those roles, won't that kill the mc too, since he plays Zeus in that play?(technically everyone else who's playing any role would die but Asterion technically is unkillable as long as he's still under the labyrinth's magics, if that works out then he'd be truly freed)

2. We're still missing an important role, Hera's - the rightful wife of Zeus who got jealous of her husband's affairs and started the whole imprisonment in the first place.

And please talk more about the ancient Greek mythology since I'm complete ignorant on this but would still love to enjoy the theory crafting of this game no matter how busy I am with the real world OTL

Interesting... I'll keep playing the game to collect his voting letter to see what he had to say. Thank you for the information. 

Ah okay, thank you for your clarification. 

Ah yes, my bad.

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I haven't seen anyone talked about this so for the sake of satisfying my curiosity, I have to bring it up. 

During my reruns of the game(which I have only done 3 times), specifically the nice routes, I noticed that in the scene where Hermes wanted to hurt Pedro at the hotel's reception, Hermes threatened to hurt Nikos as well, then as he was "hallucinating" or some sort, he fainted on his own. In my first completion of the route on the other hand, Hermes was only threatening to hurt Pedro, not including Nikos, and then was stopped by Asterion's punching him in the stomach(or something). Even after that, when we was talking with Hermes in the infirmary, and when Asterion was walking with us up the stairs afterwards, they mentioned that too, while in my rerun, the punching didn't happen and so did the mentionings too.

So I'm wondering if they actually meant something and how differently they will affect the upcoming chapters. During the 2 runs, the only differences I made is that I chose leader background instead of humanity, and I chose some options a little bit different from the first run, but still carried my affection for him/tried to choose everything best for him, just in a slightly different way.

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Zeus was actually in Asterion's favor? I have only collected Hera's voting letter and it said Zeus was against the bull(I mean I have collected almost all of the voting letters, but still missing Zeus', Athena's and Apollo's). I've only done 3 reruns of the game and skipped through the Hinterlands' plot to save some time and focus on collecting informations from the main events at the hotel.

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Hmmmm, with my previous concern proven to be no longer worth worrying about by you guys, I've cleared my mind now. And as for how the scene can play out, I have some ideas in mind.

Asterion only learned about our(the MC's) affection(or love) for him through Nikos, so it's fine for his first approach of intimacy to us was only a passionate kissing and cuddling sequal. Maybe after giving him more time and space to gather his confidence and readiness, he'll eventually feel comfortable enough about having an intercourse with us(the MC). He may still be shy about it, given he's never experienced or enjoyed affection and love on an intimate and sensual level with anyone else ever since he's been given birth until now(not just the accompany like with his friends, his master or playing with the masters' kids).  I think he'll eventually listen and give in to his cravings.

Not to mention the positioning, I think having sex with Asterion is already a challenge on its own(given in this scene).

But I'm sure the developers will have their ways of bending the rules and abusing loopholes. So let's hope and pray.