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CreeperGeorge24 Studio

A member registered Feb 25, 2021

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This is one of the greatest games on! The story is both depressing and (sometimes) confusing (because I'm an idiot). The jump-scares has caught me of guard a lot throughout the video, the dialogue is great and the character models are goofy but great. 10/10

This game is amazing! Please add subtitles to the game since I couldn't understand what they were saying.

Anyways, this is a fun short horror game.

It's a short but fun horror game. 7/10

Two issues I encountered in this game:

  1. When I picked up the key to open the door to that one room with the unimaginable horrors, the game froze for a second before the rats spawned.
  2. When you hold w when about to press e, when the dialogue box pops up the character still moves at a weird angle until he hits something. During my first playthrough, I somehow managed to soft-lock at 5:01 when I let my character glide against the kitchen before he hit the wall.

In conclusion, some minor issues aside this is a great horror game with a shocking twist.

Man, this game hurts my brain! (In a good way)

(I have coughed a lot throughout this entire video because I'm ill, but that won't stop me from loving this game)

3/3 of the games I played:

Even though I technically did play this game 2 years ago with a horrible setup. I though of replaying it again with a brand new laptop so I can now fully experience the best atmospheric type horror game that does get me on edge sometimes. Overall, it was an amazing game and a job well done!

2/3 of the games I played:

Overall: This game had me on edge (especially in the end) and I love the atmosphere and ambience you put into this game. Keep up the good work!

First game played: 

This game was so much fun and I love being able to seek revenge against Peter (and Meg). Keep up the good work my guy!

This was incredible! Keep up the great work!

I am almost ashamed of posting my video here because I didn't think about how scary this game was and why I had a weird reaction to it.

Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

This is by far the most messed up game I have ever played in years! That doesn't mean that the game is bad, in fact, my experience with that game is awesome!

Keep up the good work devs!

Update: Youtube keeps disabling comments! Can't fix it :(

I was incredibly traumatised by this game! (For all the wrong reasons)

I am kind off ashamed of making this video! The jumpscares did get me a lot (in a weird way)! This is the game I would highly recommend to anyone willing to give it a try.

This is going to be the last video I made about this game. This is one of these games to popularise my channel! I will forever cherris your achievements and thank you for my short success.

Thank you Chelato!

I had a lot of fun with this game. I was not expecting the ending to be that INSANE! Bravo!

Honestly, I have so many expectations about this game... but don't get me wrong though, it is what it is and I appreciate many short indie games like this one.

I just wish for a little expansion and secrets to be implemented into the game. +Plus some extra spooks!

Final verdict: Luckily I don't have any phobias of ducks! ;)

I messed up the comment and I can't seem to fix this without re-typing everything... 

(1 edit) played the sequel to this game, it was both scary and funny at the same time. But this game is entirely different and still gave me a couple of scares.

Great Game/Recommended/Promoted 

I am back with this game again!

This time, I made the playthrough better than last time!

I have never thought of building a simple dog house for a d̵̢̢̫͍̣̗̞͓̖͑̅͜ͅͅe̵͎̜̯͖̤̼͓̬̫̰̦͕̺͗̓̈́̈́̍ͅm̸̛̱͎̥̩͍̻̮͙̈́͋o̸̳̿n̷̨̛͙͕̦̈́͛̈̍̊̊̑̋̀

Man, my eardrums are in constant pain from this game! Everything about it gives out such an amazing atmosphere and some type of lore, hopefully, the zoom-in bug is fixed anytime soon.

It was very difficult trying to edit this video because of how emotional I was trying to!

You did really well in this game, and I hope I have a dog on my own someday in the future.

WARNING: There is a chance this video will make you love your dog and make sure it is safe within your hands!

Well, here is my (Failed) attempt to beat this game on the hardest difficulty!

My tip for it is at the beginning of this video!

P.S. I have no idea how I managed to break this game.

I am back for the third time!

I am really surprised at how much this game has changed so much to the point it is difficult to distinguish the difference from the older version!

The problem is that my computer is so garbage that since there were so many Tripods in the game causing my FPS to drop significantly during Day 2!

Video down here:

Sorry, there wasn't anything there my friend.

(1 edit)

Yo! I think I have already found a critical game-breaking bug in your game.

The Screen Resolution is SCREWED UP! Only the image of the menu screen with your name on it! I've seen Youtubers playing this game and somehow were able to access the game without any interruption...

Kinda annoying but I will wait patiently for the next update.

EDIT: I read some comments and I might not be the only one with this issue, I just hope the screen resolution gets fixed in the future!

This is part 1+2 of my adventure!

This video is a bit laggy, with less editing and more on exploring how the game works.

Run as FAST as you can! (The War of the Worlds) (Gameplay) - YouTube

This video is just like the first one but with a lot of editing and memes.

Honestly, the creepiest moment in this game is the white demon looking thing in the alley and the black mist in the gravesite!

This game is great and almost cute!

These games are very Bizzare! (Gameplay) - YouTube

Hey man, it's me, George! Thank you for commenting on me on Instagram asking me to play this game for you yesterday, so I did you a favour and upload it on Youtube! 

P.S. You commented on my Micheal P. video on Instagram.

(1 edit)

The ending really took me off guard, I just liked the shooting mechanic a lot until I end up missing a couple of shots. The underwater atmosphere really fits well. Great job Dev!

An amazing Ikea related experience! + Found an easter egg!

The ambience is really unnerving and great at the same time. Being chased by something really sets the scene, I hope the English text can be improved a little bit, though everything else really changes my mind! Keep it up and we'll see the results soon.

The ambience is great while the ending was terrifying!

That was an unexpected trip to... whatever this is? On the other hand, I find this experience amazing and unnerving.


All I had to do was go to the last door on the left? Seems simple...

I lost my throat in the end, but it's still worth the playthrough!

Damn! Thank you my friend ;)

Damn the art style looks great and the monster looks terrifying!

I wish there was mouse sensitivity and performance-related options in the settings. 

Overall, I am currently locking my door and wish my parents to come home early than expected.

Damn this is scary and hard! Amazing work and damn those funny fart jokes!

The enemy in this game is those DAMN PLANT POTS!!!