Yay new update is coming soon sweet hopefuly there are no bugs
Recent community posts
Omg yes finally I found this game again after playing it a few months ago I for got to follow you and then I lost it so has there been any major updates these past few months??? Also this is like one of the best games I've played on here the story is just amazing keep up the good work
Ps I haven't played for like 3 months so yea
Ok when you open up the game and it opens to the main menu at the bottom of the main menu it says changelog poke that and at the top of that it says cheats poke that and it says add cheats on the top of that poke that and enter the cheats but they won't work unless your playing a chapter so push play a new load the poke into the settings and at the bottom it says changelog poke that and at the top it says cheats poke that and add the cheats