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breakable studios

A member registered May 02, 2020

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honestly id like to see a more sexual version of this that would be cool instead of a cool game that involves sex just in different kinds maybe one thats focused on it instead of some different events still love it but more of a personal opinion than anything like maybe one where she likes cum (this is mostly from my thinking of if they like sex why dont they like cum but again personal opinion) but maybe not the full game just like a mod or an addon i don't know maybe i just have horny brain from scrolling through nsfw games all night but still all in all really well made dude

download the apk not the zip fil

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man i dont know who you are but keep it up these are amazing little games i love to play them you clearly put work in them cant wait to she you grow and these games become even better good job dude

sir is your name dapper toe nail

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cool game a lot of potential graphics could be better at the time being its not one of my top 10 but maybe top 20 for the idea of the game id love a game like this that actually has a story and some more game mechanics if this game gets to be fully developed or even remade to a better game i would love to play it as long as there is no change to the idea other than building onto a story but to finish this review up id give it a 7/10 great game great idea could use some work but id definitely pay to play this  

you have to really chase after the scenes it can be kinda puzzling but its not that hard but you can get hints somewhere i dont remember where exactly but i know theyre somewhere and if you go to extras and look for the scene gallery thingy you can see what chapter and act the scenes take place

thank for telling me bye bye

(5 edits)

Then allow it to end it already should have ended when I tried before but you aren't trying to end it you keep talking if you shut up I will too simple effective and being delayed by your incessant need to be better than everyone in an argument just be quiet neither of us won or lost I’ve already ended the argument on my end this is just me trying to make you shut up and leave me alone It’s already ended you have to accept that and stop being a bitch that you couldn’t win an unwinnable argument stop being a child and have some resolve for once in your meaninglessness life

except like I've said neither of us can win or loose because it an opinion based argument and if this is dead why dont you go about your life like i said im trying to just leave this behind me you aren't you're focused on it and i said sorry for the paragraph as i know it was long all you're doing is making yourself look like a dick by trying to look like you've won in a opinionative  argument stop trying to win and fuck of

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I've never tried to say im above you yeah i dont use punctuation because i still convey the right thing with out it and i dont care enough the only one here that has tried to be condescending is you when you decided to think you're a psychologist and say that im desperate and not just annoyed and pissed off that you wont shut up to make it seem like the upper hand i pointed out it would have been easier to agree to disagree early because i tried to but you didn't let me im not above you you aren't above me so why do you think its alright to be condescending and not just shut the fuck up in an unwinnable argument all im doing is inciting my logic which may be different to yours but its still logic you make think your better than me because im not punctuating a sentence that i do not care about yet you are focusing to much on something that was supposed to be ended a week ago just shut up and stop thinking you're intellectually superior neither of us are maybe if you stop thinking of me as an inferior human maybe you'll realize that the only thing you superior to is a baboon stop focusing on something so small and fuck off and before you say it ill just respond i never said im superior to you just that we are evenly matched just you focus on the little thing to much that you can not use the intellect you have essentially im not trying to look superior im trying to look like me if you find that looking superior that's on you i have no control over your interpretation (sorry about the paragraph by the way i know im not very concise when it comes to specifics)

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agreed see that's how this could have gone down easier we agree to disagree would've been easier a week ago i will also say so you dont have to say anything to continue this conversation im saying that for the sake of saying it not for any aggressive reason

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no I've been trying to cover all areas this isn't an argument of right and wrong you dont have to believe me I've tried to show my point exactly in an attempt that maybe you will cast it off and shut up but you keep replying to an argument that ended a long time ago trying to make yourself look like you won just fucking shut up neither of us won because there is no right or wrong in this argument its a perspective argument im not desperate to make me seem right im wanting to make you be quite stop trying to look like your smart and trying to be smug you never had any reason to believe me or care you keep replying while i try to go about my day thinkin this conversation has ended if you didn't reply to try to get the upper hand and look like the winner in an  argument with no winner i wouldn't keep replying i didn't win you didn't win its an objective argument just shut up and stop trying to use cheap tactics to look smart thers no winner there never has been a winner in this argument just fuck off its a simple concept 

it probably is same art style to

im trying to move on you just wont shut the fuck up how am i desperate when ive tried to end this twice

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some one who wants to clear up all points with no loose ends to be exploited or expanded upon so usually a logical person or some one who is trying to incite logic at the current time essentially someone who doesnt want to hear a dumbass continue to rant

classroom under one of the tables

(2 edits)

it kinda is when youre a halfwit that doesnt bother to use google for something he arguing against btw insensitive means showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings it doesnt really fit here its the internet who isnt insensitive im unempathetic but that doesnt not apply here since i cant not read anything but words and context of course im insensitive nothing in a argument on the internet matters in the real world especially on and dont say shit like you can track my location or something because face it your on the internet most likely states of even countries away you aint gonna do shit so why should i care if i hurt someone's fellings half way across the world get fucking used to it its the internet its all fucked up were all here to have fun thats it also i will point out i never said im intellectually superior i may have accidently implied it because my brain interprets words a little differently i kinda go off exact meaning so my brain doesnt focus on possible unwanted implications what i say is what i exactly mean of course translated into words so it can be a little wierd to understand me 

its a roast because your to intellectually inferior that you cant understand that you can use something called google to search for things relating to your statement which is called research an example is that you said "sex for anyone even virgins should not bleed" clearly not doing one google search for this statement because if you did you'd know the hymen can rip during sex which causes bleeding

filch and hes in the abandoned wing

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i had the same problem even after i finished emees line so it might be that they dont have the tiara hairstyle that fixed it for me you also need the red princess dress 

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it sometimes pops up on the last one it can be weird

why is the game not allowing me to open affinity images

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does anyone else have the problem of the game just absolutely stopping after you finish a quest like i can talk to people but at random points i just cant forward any quest im doing and sometimes i just cant forward any quest at all like its not theat i have to wait theres just no option

edit: nevermind just bad luck i didnt find what i needed

wait a while do other stuff and emee or the store will have a book 

yes if I'm remembering correctly

a good tool to have to play games on the browser on touchscreen devices is a bluetooth keyboard even fo non hentai game

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people have gotten mad at this stereotype for years youre clearly wathing hentai that prides it self on realism if you go on pornhub and type in defloweration hentai youll find thousands like that im just watching what i can get off to and by the way your original statement that sex even for a virgin should not bleed you can actually rip the hymen on your first time do you have any knowledge of basic biology i will also add to beast2222's statement of "symbol of virginity" its a big symbol of virginity in alot of hentais i mean i agree its a dumb symbol of virginity that has no logic in behind it bbut people that animate hentai usually are virgins or very unexperienced you expect them to know that the first time doent always rip the hymen 

either way is still good

thats the whole idea its supposed to be a type of dystopian future with sex slaves not a utopian future where everyone is considered to be equal and if you dont like it dont say it just leave i mean yeah free speech but if you play a fiction game that is clearly fake and is just meant for you to jack off to and then complain that you didnt read anything about the game before playing it that might hurt someones feelings and that bad if youre going with your logic that is the logic that everyone must be considered

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its a hentai stereotype if you want somethin more realistic to jack off to just watch porn

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is attack right click cause youre left handed

its not  dead just being developed slow the discord they have is quite active and the developer has been getting more and more suggestions and its quite the open concept so its hard to know what to do next

Android port fuck yeah dude thanls

ok thanks for an answer

are you going yo make a linux comparable version at some point

good game the mitsuki part was a little hard but after that was done it was great that part takes a lot of concentration