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A member registered Jan 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Genuinely love this, the emotional roller-coaster with good comedic touch to it just gave such a cool experience. Amazing job!

Cool! Love the good ol VHS style that's been in horror games recently, good job!

This was great! I love the visual style a lot it's really immersive and I feel like it's something that not a lot of games explore. Well done this was really well made!

I'm a bit late to the party here, but really enjoyed this game! I think there's a lot of potential here for something special, thanks for making it!

This is INCREDIBLE for your first horror game, great job! Really enjoyed playing this

Really well done! Amazing first published game, thanks for making it!

Great Job! Your games are definitely getting better and I'm liking the lore connections as usual

Really loved this! Such a wacky but immersive combination of music and art. Had that feeling of not knowing what was around the corner and I loved it, really immersive game, awesome job!

Not Bad

Love this! Really great game, thanks for making it :

Interesting! Definitely in an early state though, but regardless I can say I had fun playing :)

Goblin mode

Very Fun! Has an Early 2010s computer lab feel to it lol

Lots of love for this game, I had a lot of fun playing it. Really Really cool World Building! Sometimes it felt a little without direction when it came to what I was supposed to do (although its possible I was just dumb), but overall I love the story, art, voice acting, etc. Great Game!

Good Game! A bit short though, wondering how long it took to make?

Great Game! I enjoyed the immersion and atmospheric elements a lot, has potential for sure :)

Made me laugh, still an enjoyable experience all around!  <3

100% return to this project (if you have the time lol), I would love to see what you switch-up!

Genuinely a lot of potential here, love the concepts and creativity to them!

Cool game! Indeed a a lot of jump scares though, and I fall for those easy. How does one get the secret ending?

Had the pleasure of beating it (out of pure luck), fun game!