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A member registered Mar 15, 2019

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just hit extract all, you should be good 

(1 edit)

I had some trouble installing the game, and I was finally able to boot the game up, but not really. I get the title screen, then "A game by Thomas Brush", "Sponsored by Gamers for Good", "This game was made in 14 days and doesn't save"..... "Thomas Brush", "sponsored", "14 days no saves". This loops forever and I cant do anything to skip it or even close the window without force quitting. Task manager says its working fine, so I guess its a bug on the games end. A very annoying one at that, I cant even get into the game! please help

I got this message too, I just redownloaded the zip file, and changed the location of the folder to my desktop instead of the one your pc automatically puts it into when you open the zip. The game starts now but I still cant play, because the intro/title seqeuence is on an unskippable loop.... guessing that's a bug