I would like it to be wade the bear from the other school but that's very unlikely or maybe the tiger mechanic guy or maybe one of the guys from the football team or another sports team in your school that would be interesting like a new character
So I was just wondering people have been saying that you can check your heart or affection rate with a characters and I'm not sure how you do that anyone have any suggestions or something?
Okay last question is there any way to make Logan talk to you more like I feel like I messed up on something and I'm not sure because I chose his path but I don't know what I'm supposed to do cuz he doesn't really give me more options to talk to him
This one is not an important question but who else loves Rose like I'm not in love with her but I love her lines in the game she always makes me smile or laugh ❤️
I have like three questions how do I release ste from Victoria's cage without angering him and the second one how do I get the recipes for lizard men lures the third one is how do you get a heart with Harold